

I enjoyed the holy shit out of Mario Sunshine and shortly thereafter Mario 64. So I definitely will not regret spending odd hours into the morning alone playing both Galaxy games? I need a definitive answer on this. If they're disappointing I may drink myself to death playing them. Choose your words wisely.

Besides, you're impossible to follow!

I still am not sure if I put it above VII. It's time to find out with a replay. As I finished IX I definitely thought it had the best storyline of any game I ever played.

Bees on pie, burnin' rubber tires!

Jesse Helms?

That is exactly Bill Plaschke. Well played, sir. I'm from Louisville like him, and boy does he irritate me.

Umm, Slayer released "God Hates Us All" on 9/11.

Nearly the entire history of cast of Around The Horn >>> Skip Bayless. And Stephen A. Smith.

Diana Ross apparently is a royal bitch, so I hate to say sometimes that Bey is the new Diana Ross, but I feel it's the most apt through-line.

LBJ doesn't belong on there if personal character means anything in that equation.

Why would she? She's been semi-manufactured her entire life, starting with vocal lessons that began at age.. 6 was it? or 4?

Isn't it built in that you have to skip a burrito bowl EVERY month?

Lateralus or GTFO

Like Lisa Lampanelli?

To be fair, you had a pretty good Pixies ripoff opening for a bunch of assholes doing Nirvana poses.

And let me know when I can go get a basket of chicken wings at Butt-Fuckers.

I could get away with that one with a fresh start with my ex. She was pretty cool.

I want my ex girlfriend to die in a fire right now, so I think paying 31 dollars to my new Pope (Carlin was my old Pope) and seeing his tortuous passion project in full is a good use of my free weekend time.

A cage full of peacocks being sprayed down with a pressure washer.