
Reading that in Eddie Izzard's voice made that pretty entertaining.
So why doesn't he just change his name to Edie?

Why is Gonzo a chicken fucker?

I can't even stay logged on now. And that's one of four huge complaints about this overhaul at the AV.

It's great for the casual, no attention span user. Of average or below average intelligence.


I can't help but hear "Feel Good Inc" when I hear "Applause". And that's okay.

You're boring. Thats what I mean by you people. Geesh, did you like your own comment?

I don't understand you people. How can you NOT hear the goddamn Lion King when you hear that song? That's ALL it is!

Some nights I wish
that I, had a forked asshole
so I could take two shits
at one time

Chavo Guerrero had a short lived gimmick around that time in which he and another Latino fella rode out to the ring on lawn mowers.

That's pretty lame.

He'll just keep them hanging on.

Float On / Take Me Out

Well, just so long as gays can't reproduce, it'll be okay in the end.

Krauthammer was not his usual Fox News self on the show, as also not was Bill-O.


We still have a pro football team called the Redskins here. 42 years later.

Can anyone confirm to me that Strong Bad's name was coined from this lousy, lousy 8-bit Nintendo wrestling fame, i forget the name, where you had to play as the Strong Bads or the Ricky Fighters? You had to engage your opponent then scroll through a list of moves such as the F HBAT (flying headbutt?) and that was

For No One or GTFO

No, but i DO shop at HHGregg occasionally. Bought my bedroom TV there, got a bitchin' deal!