
He was a stone-cold badass as John Winchester. Supernatural: not trash.

Agreed. But you'd think he'd be important NOW, like in the hospital, when Noah shows up, maybe saying, "OMG, Claire's dead? Where's Mr. Claire?" The fact that he's never mentioned is every bit as awkward as not showing "Claire" beyond that unconvincing mess of blonde hair sticking out from under the sheet.

Man, I really hope you're kidding…

I read down a ways and didn't see a question I have to ask: who the hell impregnated Claire? Where's the baby daddy? You'd think he'd be somewhere in the vicinity of his girlfriend/wife/commonlaw spouse/ultimate BDSM partner or whatever while she was incubating his children.

I got a definite Amidala-dying-in-childbirth vibe, and not in a good way. Amidala was a young women, physically strong, and giving birth in a future medlab where, one presumes, the best in obstetric care was available. Yet, her body can't survive birthing out a couple of magical twins? I call foul.

Well, in fairness, this show is already not saddled with anyone as bad as, say, Andrea, or Laurie - and it's more racially diverse and looks more like LA demographics than the Georgia demographics in TWD when it started.

Fuck the fucking. I'd be fucking hoarding FOOD.

I think he's definitely being set up as Wow, Look! The Useless Drug Addict Ends Up Being the Most Equipped to Deal With the Zompocalypse! That one night, early on, when he saw what was going on across the street with the newly-hatched walker, he didn't hesitate and came up with an instant, and appropriate, plan: go

I agree that not taking the dead guy's gun was towers of stupid. Cutting the fence - well, a couple of things might've been going through her head there: (1) she might want to have it as an escape route for the future because she's for sure smelling a big camo-attired rat at this point. The military has aroused her

Holy shit, you're totally right! Independence Day, 2012, now this one…it's all the dudes saving their ex-wives and restoring the nuclear family. Too bad for the rest of the world….suckers.

Ah, The Core - a B-list movie with an A-list cast. It gets me every time.

And Emmerich breaks his own cardinal rule, by giving a female (a child, no less) at least two moments of real heroism SPOILERS:

You know why you have a soft spot for those 70s disaster epics more than for the digital versions now? Because people died in those movies, people that the movies somehow made you care about, and there was blood and wounds and impalements and blasphemous preachers self-sacrificing to the Gods and secretaries on fire

Yep, I'm afraid that is the only conclusion possible.

Just rewatched the "Relativity" episode where she does wear the standard uniform (with green shoulders, whatever that signifies) and, yep, looks totally cool in it. Really wish TPTB would've dressed her like the rest of the crew but, having said that, it's thematically appropriate that she should be somewhat isolated

Truly! I love her staccato, stage-trained diction when she spits out the sentence, "I don't respond well to THREATS." I swear, there's a bit of Janeway in Red.

Late to this party but I thought I'd also throw out the fact that, in all their efforts to get new people to watch Enterprise, they utterly and completely failed to create a crew with any discernible personalities (except maybe for "Trip," who had a mild case of charm). Bakula was OK, just being Bakula, with a Beagle

Especially as it was accompanied by Junior pulling an actual shotgun from the car and cocking it with giddy teenage machismo. Love that kid.

Now I'm hungry for hot buttered biscuits with honey. I feel like Homer Simpson dreaming of waffles.

I originally thought so too, but once it was revealed that they had women held captive in the basement for forced childbirth like some shitty hateful Robin Cook novel, and the crazies in the woods wanted people's eyeballs, then the one daughter who spoke of nothing but escaping suddenly wanted to stay there and be