
Piper Laurie is fantastic in "Tim" - the best part of that film, actually (with a soft spot for the lovely duo that played Tim's parents). Plus, the 1970s office technology is hilarious.

I know The Thorn Birds gets all the press, but my favorite McCullough book was a tidy little gem called "The Ladies of Missalonghi." I've re-read it many times and it's totally fucking delightful. So say I.

I'm always thinking about STDs watching all the randos that Elizabeth and Phillip have had carnal knowledge of over the last couple of seasons. If you extrapolate, using the "you're having sex with everyone that your partner's had sex with" argument, there ought to at least be one case of herpes in the 1980s pool

Oleg is becoming one of my favorite characters on this show already bursting with great characters.

And Annelise put herself in harm's way by going off script and lowering her voice so Philip couldn't hear what she was about to tell Yousaf. By the time he figured out that the silence was ominous, her misjudging of her lover had taken a tragic turn.

Only the Good Die Young!

…but you gotta work "Uptown Girl" into it somehow…

But will he ever reveal what the hell is really in that bag? The options of the time were limited, but damn, there have been some wild speculations around here. (And, the more I think about it, I think Gillingham is a real shit). The insults are piling up: he hired Rapey McValet, he proposed a reputation-ruining tryst

You're probably right about Matthew. The only reason he was successful in the sack was because Mary actually loved him. Their sexual compatibility probably didn't need that much work, what with the love and all. Gillingham is probably all function and no form and I imagine Mary could do with a bit more heat between

I never realized how scrawny Gillingham is until the scene in the park. I think, physically, Mary could snap him like a twig. He's the "Shrimpy" amirite? But, how telling was it that he asked Mary if she was rejecting him for being a bad lover? Mary probably just poked at the insecurity lurking beneath the surface and

Well, it would all have a much more egalitarian air if he were to actually show us Daisy in her lessons (which would also have the side benefit of showing Miss Bunting as a professional, rather than an awkward dinner guest for a change). As someone who's actively disliked Daisy in the past - for the "stupid" you

They're still there, just styled to the side.

Generally, all the music-related humor hit the sweet spot in this double feature, including Leslie's madlib Billy Joel cover and - my personal favorite (from 1st ep) - the "Somebody's Daughter Dancers"! They should take that on the road and we could have "Somebody's Daughter Pole-Dancers" and "Somebody's Daughter

Speaking of which, I'd like to invite the fans of this book series to investigate a little thing I like to call "The Gross Toilet-Related Sex Practices of Chuck Berry." See how hot THAT shit is, bitches.

As a woman in the general vicinity of this age group (almost!), I take great umbrage at the characterization that we all like this ridiculous cheap fantasy nonsense where men act just like those abusive Harlequin novel man-dicks from the 1970s or whenever who had all kinds of financial power but were emotionally

I got the feeling that the writers/director thought the kiss between Ichabod and Katrina (where the characters seemed surprised at the, um, heat of that contact and the imminent rekindling of their much-vaunted but never-seen connubial-ness) was way more hot than it actually was. It seemed nothing but awkward, like

Did you wish that Ichabod and Katrina would just step aside and let Reyes - poor, clueless Reyes - see in the painting what shit was really going down with the homicide case? I feel like the police captain is really wasted. I get that they can't do the exact thing they did with Frank, where he learns the truth about

And when she was just a flashback that made Ichabod melancholy or gave him a tidbit of forgotten information that he and Abbie could use in their quest. In the flesh, she's far weaker as a narrative device, ironically. The only one who doesn't get that is the showrunner,

Agreed. I think that, since Abbie knows she and Ichabod are the designated Witnesses, they're the ones at risk should Katrina's side agendas and failed spells or whatever go sideways. She's protecting their mission - and their lives, potentially. I'm relieve that Abbie doesn't even remotely look at Ichabod with a

When that tear slid down the side of his nose in the interrogation room, awwww, man. Orlando, you ARE the man.