
I like Dowd.

And apparently also young Chief in Childrens Hospital a bunch of times.

Or more recently, Rectify.

Damn, that NTSF episode was really good.

bien = well
bon = good

Given this show's tumblr fandom, the amount of slash-fic out there must be mind-boggling.

Perdido Street Station is awesome, but I wasn't a big fan of The Scar.

Isn't this more of a reflection of the demographics of who writes English-language fantasy?  I don't think there are lots of Chinese, Indian, or Middle Eastern fantasy writers who write in English.

People often say that there's no such thing as an original story, but you gotta figure 2001: A Space Odyssey is as close as it gets, right?

The Mongolian army under Genghis Khan organized itself by the decimal system.  They were very efficient.

It's a good pop culture litmus test.  Like "Fly" for Breaking Bad.

Yeah, but the author also thinks Starship Troopers is a dumb action movie, which is like one of the most wrong opinions in the history of the world.

I'd say at least bump it up to the season 4 Christmas episode, which is one of my favourites.

One thing I seldom (if ever, now that I think about it) see Breaking Bad praised for is its wonderful handling of absurdity.  The show would be a lot worse off and much too dour if it didn't have this kind of bizarre and awesome tendency to stick in non-sequiturs or stylistically different sequences, as well as what

Yeah, I know.  I was just doing a play on words.

Cops actually do this all the time.  There's a reason there a tons of false confessions to violent crimes.  When you lack evidence, you just sort of go after people without a lawyer (or who don't know their rights), and just try and hector them into fear or self-doubt or a breakdown.

The butterfly shot is like the second scene of the series.  Three minutes in or so.

How many episodes have you seen?  Is the shot of the butterfly the greatest piece of wordless exposition ever filmed?  Do you listen to the soundtrack on your MP3 player while slowly walking towards things, imagining you are performing one of the series' slow zooms/pans?

"The general practice" really isn't common.  I remember seeing the figure that there were about 2,000 people wearing the niqab in France.

There really isn't much information about it, and the clip I linked is only about a minute.  But a bunch of the cast and Adam Reed say things are very different (although keeping mum about any details), and that's why they didn't screen a new episode like they typically do at Comic Con.