
Lots of things kept me from discovering Pet Sounds until fairly recently. So much time wasted. Curse you, lots of things!

Lots of things kept me from discovering Pet Sounds until fairly recently. So much time wasted. Curse you, lots of things!

"Some motherfucka presidents are always trying to ice skate uphill!" - Pres. Barack H. Obama, 2011 State of the Union address

"Some motherfucka presidents are always trying to ice skate uphill!" - Pres. Barack H. Obama, 2011 State of the Union address

Kid A during sex sounds….pretty awesome….

Kid A during sex sounds….pretty awesome….

Thank you, that was a beautiful and succinct explanation of why I really dislike Stephenson as a writer. I have no problem with people who are clever, and use their cleverness for good (you know, like Batman). I do have a problem with people who are clever, or who think they are clever, and can't wait to tell the

Thank you, that was a beautiful and succinct explanation of why I really dislike Stephenson as a writer. I have no problem with people who are clever, and use their cleverness for good (you know, like Batman). I do have a problem with people who are clever, or who think they are clever, and can't wait to tell the

David Blaine's not on board

David Blaine's not on board

What can be said about that beard that hasn't already been said about Afghanistan!

What can be said about that beard that hasn't already been said about Afghanistan!

That's all you do when you see Anne Hathaway? I feel sorry for you.

That's all you do when you see Anne Hathaway? I feel sorry for you.

Really fucking beautiful cinematography. Say what you will about LOTM, but there was some really great visual direction going on there.

Really fucking beautiful cinematography. Say what you will about LOTM, but there was some really great visual direction going on there.

I don't understand the reference and I'm not going to respond to it.

I don't understand the reference and I'm not going to respond to it.

TNG Season 6, "The Chase". That's the unfortunate thing about Trek drawing from the same pool of television guest actors, it's just a wanton invitation for fan fiction.

TNG Season 6, "The Chase". That's the unfortunate thing about Trek drawing from the same pool of television guest actors, it's just a wanton invitation for fan fiction.