
Sweet Dee wasn't going to let a little poo in her hair prevent her from seeing Thundergun hang dong.

I try to use the words pop, jam, thrust, and blast as my verbs of choice.

Anyone who thinks Dee was out of character must've stopped watching after Season 3. She's been extremely trashy and low class since the episode where she called the restaurant reviewer a "faggot" cause he ordered Chardonnay and continued to go further down into depravity from there. Just like the rest of the gang.

It's been wonderful watching Frank in Season 2 when he was a shady businessman who loved gambling regress to a troll creature who loves eggs and banging hoors.

Paulie Walnuts from The Sopranos pronounced it as Hoors as well.

The pathetic shot of the broken action figures followed by the cut to the end credits was hilarious.

Dee casually saying "I know" after he says that slayed me too. Frank was great last night. Him going through the stuffed bear and Dennis/Dee's facial expressions at his idiocy is another scene that made me lose it.

I loved Kaitlin Olson doing an awkward bow to the Southern Asians as they leave.

I loved it. It needs to be rewatched to be fully appreciated. They really weren't whispering that much, more like yell-whispering or just yelling like usual. They basically threw the viewer into the middle of one of the Gang's stupid schemes and let it play out. I love how meta this season is with the characters

Susie Essman on Curb is another one.

Fat Mac screaming that he will "PUT HIS THUMB THROUGH YOUR EYE, YOU'LL LITTLE BITCH" at Charlie was one of the funniest moments of the season.

In one of my many rewatches, I could've swore I heard Dee call a computer a son of a bitch which made me do a spittake.

Yeah, Shady Nasty got old quick for me. OTOH, the Frank Reynolds coke rampage and Lieutenant Daniels were enough to carry that episode.

I think Sweet Dee might've jumped ahead or at least tied Charlie for my favorite character. Kaitlin Olson's really stepped it up this season and like Charlie, makes me laugh at nearly everything she says or does. Dee seems like a much different character this season. Just way more manic and crazy, she's basically neck