
That Real Ghostbusters plot seems too interesting to ignore. Please cover it in some way even though it's sure to lose!

Really great season overall. Maybe a few weaker episodes than last season but it's great they've stayed from a FG-like decline in the 8th season.

I agree with the basic draw of this review. The random jokes were in pretty great form, but I think they wasted most of the potential for a meth story, or even a farming story. They never have any real exploration of selling or producing the meth, they just discover the lab and are immediately transformed into rich

The song was great and utilized effectively. Compare to earlier-season, beyond lazy use of "Taking Care of Business." For a show as entrenched in easy plotting as AD I like the bold steps they took with this one. It's not really possible to argue the episode is as good as Rapture's Delight, but avoiding that

I avoided this entire fourth season, hoping to watch and judge the whole thing in one swoop. But I caught my roommate watching this episode and now I'm not even sure if that's necessary. I was never a season 3 apologist but this is so clearly worse than the most groanworthy elements of Season 3. If Season 5 gets

I liked the concept of using the documentary crew as a real element this season but the awfulness of the Brian arc doesn't get overwritten by this episode's decent sentimental use. Overall the decision to use "the documentary is coming out" as the final season's overarching plot has been a misfire and it will be very