
Sharon and Helo
the only couple on Battlestar Galactica worth rooting for, I may be in the minority here but I find Helo to be a pretty likeable dude and he deserves that hot asian piece

I was six years old when I saw Bound…..LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE!!!!!

yea I'm only 21 years old, but I do remember this one Emmanuelle series that showed on showtime, and it was based in Italy or something, it was pretty fantastic. SN: I cant fucking stand anything Zalman King related, as an 11 year old kid growing I would anticipate some fucking to happen, but he always teased me with

Skinemax ruled back then, now it's a piece of shit, Best Sex Ever ruled, Play-Mate of the Apes OWNED, the golden age of Softcore Porn ended too soon


Ra Ra Riot, Magic Kids
fantastic pop records from these two bands, I think Ra Ra Riot is underrated compared to similar bands. (Vampire Weekend)

half the appeal is his amazing voice and delivery

Pilot Talk
u know what album is great…Curren$y's Pilot Talk

Arthur is the Boba Fett of Inception.

here here, Hurt Locker was by far the best movie in that category, and probably in my top 5 of 2009. Jeremy Renner OWNS

I've only seen him in Drag Me to Hell, he was pretty great in that.

Favorite Inception characters
this is probably the best ensemble cast ever, everyone was brilliant, even Dileep Rao. Woudnt be surprised if one or more happened to get nominated

Gordon-Levitt vs Hardy
I'm pretty sure these guys are competing against each other for the part of The Riddler in the next Batman installment

I may be insane, but I have been calling this movie the greatest movie of all time, I never felt this way after seeing a movie, was this how people felt about Star Wars and 2001 back then?

edit: that have done

@nottomhardy how is doing things not considered acting, there have been a lot supporting actors in the past have done less than what JGL did, but I do agree that Tom Hardy was great as well, hell the whole cast was great.

Joseph Gordon Levitt
stole the movie, wouldnt be surprised if he gets nominated for best supporting, also Ken Watanabe was really good too.

an improvement
Prediction: This movie will be better than "The Happening", still doubt it will be any good, but unlike half of his catalog, this movie looks pretty watchable.

and Mysterious should have gotten him some oscar recognition, especially since it came out the same year as those other LBGT related films like Brokeback Mountain, Capote, and Transamerica.

The season 4 premiere was the first episode I have ever seen of the series, It's definitely one of the better programming during the summer time. Will catch up on the series while simultaneously watching the potential awesomeness of season 4