
My vote is for Roger Allam.

When were there jokes made about Donna being too old or men not fancying her? She herself was sensitive to that (and her mother obviously said some horrible stuff but that was to highlight how horrible her mother was) but I never felt like the show was laughing at her age or the fact that she was single.

I'm in a computer lab right now and the original comment and your reply made me laugh out loud for about 30 seconds like a crazy person.

I don't understand this—I avoided the Big Bang Theory for a long time, but since it's in syndication now (and I recently gave up cable) I watched it twice. And, I totally understand watching a show that is sweet or like comfort food (most of us have shows like that, I think) but I find TBBT to have this really

I saw it in 1992 when I was in 8th grade and it's always, always stayed with me. I actually wasn't scared by it, though—it was more just horrifying to think about the sheer misery these people went through. What I always remember, too, is they have this letter written by one of the survivors a few months after the

Well, I too live in LA (which I don't think has much to do with anything) and one of the pleasures of my life is reading Sean O'Neal mock whatever James Franco is up to. Please don't take offense—it's just harmless Franco.

But they've never, ever promoted P&R like they should've. It's the best and most conceivably mainstream show they have (I like Community but it's not as feel-goody as P&R) and every year they shell out millions of dollars to promote their new crap (like that year when they were desperate to make "Whitney" happen)—and

Agreed about Bill Paxton—he's terrible in it. The way his face crumples with the "I didn't let it in" makes me want to punch him.

Katy Perry is my favorite pop star to listen to in the car because I like to sing along to her songs really loudly like a crazy person. She (or her producers) have made some really good silly, catchy pop songs. But—I don't like Roar. It's dull and is sounds too much like "Firework" (without being as catchy as

Batman Returns does have some absolutely fantastic sequences.  When Selina comes home to her apartment after being murdered and she just destroys all the pink, harmless "feminine" things in it (all part of this persona she adopted that got her nowhere)—well, I love that scene.  The original script just had

As someone who mostly lurks here because she can rarely think of anything funny or interesting to post, I shall really miss the like button.  It made me feel like I was contributing to the AV club community by saying to all the posts that made me laugh—I like this!  I deem this worthy of a like!

While the media does tend to dismiss Angel stupidly, I always felt that Joss Whedon wasn't very involved with Angel (it was basically Tim Minear's show—at least whenever it was good) and whenever Whedon would write an episode it always proved to me that he didn't really understand Angel's tone (or even what ATS was

Hollywood scriptwriters are usually pretty traditional thinkers—they've been conditioned to develop certain structures and that's why so many of them have rote rules for how a script should be.

It's nice to read that there are many other people who hated Normal Again.  For me, it was a rip off of a concept that many other sci-fi/fantasy shows had done better.  It typified the Marti Noxon run years because it was all about doing some half-brained "edgy" idea (that had never really been edgy) because it will

Obviously The Newsroom shouldn't win awards in any category—but Jeff Daniels is not the least talented actor in that field.  He's definitely better than Kevin Spacey and John Hamm (for evidence, may I present The Squid and the Whale and The Purple Rose of Cairo) .  He just has the misfortune to be mired in a Sorkin

But back in the 30s and 40s with the studio system, each studio would have a lot of writers just around the lot—and these were actually talented writers like Billy Wilder—and they would rewrite and doctor scripts and hang out together.  I think a lot of the time the studios would just buy some play for a vague story

Yeah, my friends tried to get me into Twilight (couldn't make it through the first book) but I actually thought the first movie was okay.  Although it still had all that weird, paternalistic stuff with Edward & Bella's romance—I thought Catherine Hardwicke did a good job of crafting this teenage girl's world in a

But I've seen studies that show the per capita rate of charitable giving is higher in the US states that have more religious people (Utah, Mississippi).  Religious believers may be giving to their church or to some other religious charity, but they're still giving.  A lot of them tithe or give a ton of money because

Victor Garber in Assassins is the best thing ever—he makes John Wilkes Booth sexy—well, maybe not sexy but very appealing—and then you feel weird about finding JWB…appealing.

In A Visit from the Goon Squad, there's a part of the book set in the near future and toddlers are driving a large portion of the music industry—and it really doesn't feel that far-fetched.