
But I love how Moffat never gives Amy even a moment to contemplate all the horrible shit that was done to her last year.  (Kidnapped by crazies, not being able to know what was happening to her own body for MONTHS, having her child stolen from her, and now unable to have any more children based on whatever the fuck it

I thought that "not all victories" thing was just really fucking pissy.  But he's always kind of pissy and whiny, so.  (I really dislike Rory.)

I thought that "not all victories" thing was just really fucking pissy.  But he's always kind of pissy and whiny, so.  (I really dislike Rory.)

I honestly think that Iwan Rhoen and Antonia Thomas might come back for an episode or two in the next season because this finale made no sense in terms of story.  There was the hyper-mythic superhero stuff of season two and then there was that great episode in this series where the superhero-ness of Simon is totally

I think Nathan actually becomes a pretty nice guy over series 1 and 2.  It's just that (as Curtis often says) he's a prick.  He says stupid shit because he loves to say stupid shit.  He's almost always lovely to Kelly.  He becomes Simon's best friend over series 2 (in the x-mas ep he doesn't even make fun of Simon

Except for Rudy, I thought it was implied that none of the gang had superpowers in this reality.

Nathan and Marnie cameos would almost make this crap worthwhile.  But I have a feeling it's going to be worse than US Skins. 

Random comment posted months later because I just started watching this show now.  So far (in the first two eps of series 3) Rudy seems like a waste of space to me.  What did he add to this one?  Nothing.  All the important scenes were with Curtis, Emma, Alisha, and Simon.  Rudy was just there to "comically" have sex

It's always a pleasure to read a review where a woman writer is described as being "catty" when she is making observant, slightly witty remarks.

It's always a pleasure to read a review where a woman writer is described as being "catty" when she is making observant, slightly witty remarks.

I actually think the video quality adds to its low-key appeal.  It was sort of an anti-establishment, anti-material success, anti-mainstream culture show.  If it looked "good" or like it had a big budget it would lose a little something. 

I actually think the video quality adds to its low-key appeal.  It was sort of an anti-establishment, anti-material success, anti-mainstream culture show.  If it looked "good" or like it had a big budget it would lose a little something. 

He's the only replacement Muppet performer that doesn't depress the hell out of me.  He sounds fine and he's still actually funny when he appears somewhere (like on Top Chef).  Unlike new Kermit and new Miss Piggy.

He's the only replacement Muppet performer that doesn't depress the hell out of me.  He sounds fine and he's still actually funny when he appears somewhere (like on Top Chef).  Unlike new Kermit and new Miss Piggy.

Thomas is actually one of my favorite characters because he's usually the unacknowledged voice of reason.  He doesn't buy in to all the patriotic crap (especially after fighting in the WWI shitfest for over two years) and gets the hell out of there.  He also doesn't buy into the whole weird paternalistic thing the

I think Wonderful Christmas Time has got to be one of the worst songs ever written - Christmas or non-Christmas.  I spent a few years working retail during the Christmas season (which of course will make you hate all non-religious x-mas music because that's all they play) and when this song would come on I would try

I actually enjoy Judy's scenes because she's so professional, even when dealing with Amy's all-over-the-map behavior.  Her highly irritated, but trying to appear impassive, looks she gives Amy always make me laugh. 

I think Wuthering Heights got fairly good reviews when it was first published, plus its author died pretty soon after it came out, so it had that going for it.

Season 2 is terrible, but it's sort of awesomely terrible.  It's a high brow costume drama just going mental and throwing insane plots into the mix every week, but the bonus is that since they're in a "serious" costume drama everyone takes the insane crap seriously plus they go around saying things like "When the War

It's funny to see Dennis Hopper mentioned in that article, because he's probably the only really famous Hollywood actor who was ever accepted by the art world as a actual artist - and despite the massive drug use, he was a lot more low-key about it.