Tiny Wheel

Homeland you magnificent bastard! This episode was everything I wanted and more. Give Damian Lewis all the Emmys damn it.

Man, I felt bad for LaGuerta when she told Deb she was glad she was finally able to tell someone what she was investigating and Deb just stone cold lied to her. What… is happening to me?

Man, I felt bad for LaGuerta when she told Deb she was glad she was finally able to tell someone what she was investigating and Deb just stone cold lied to her. What… is happening to me?

I'm a little proud of myself for knowing Elena wasn't going to be able to control herself for long while drinking from Matt.

I'm a little proud of myself for knowing Elena wasn't going to be able to control herself for long while drinking from Matt.

Connor really did remind me of Principal Wood. I think I like Connor better.

Connor really did remind me of Principal Wood. I think I like Connor better.

What?! Ian Somerhalder was in Dawson's Creek? How did I not know that. IMDB is no help so maybe you're confused with another show/actor?

What?! Ian Somerhalder was in Dawson's Creek? How did I not know that. IMDB is no help so maybe you're confused with another show/actor?

It's Dutch actually

It's Dutch actually

It is well acted, I agree, but so out of character that I just don't buy it no matter how good Joshua Jackson is.

It is well acted, I agree, but so out of character that I just don't buy it no matter how good Joshua Jackson is.

No man I hated Sasha Alexander on this show, her relationship with Dawson is so awkward and bad. I just really love the way season three builds up Pacey/Joey, it's so believable and incredibly well done that you just fall for them even though Dawson/Joey were the original OTP of the show. I'm a huge fan of a big

No man I hated Sasha Alexander on this show, her relationship with Dawson is so awkward and bad. I just really love the way season three builds up Pacey/Joey, it's so believable and incredibly well done that you just fall for them even though Dawson/Joey were the original OTP of the show. I'm a huge fan of a big

"Cece you drink with mouth?!"

"Cece you drink with mouth?!"

No I'm with you here, I think it sounds cool and challenging. Of course the fact that it seems like a good set up almost certainly means that it is going to suck.

No I'm with you here, I think it sounds cool and challenging. Of course the fact that it seems like a good set up almost certainly means that it is going to suck.

Great, great episode. My favorite part was when they were riding/flying in the sky and Finn looked back at Billy, saw Billy's hair fly in the wind and decided he wanted to be as cool as Billy and took off his hat. So cute.