
I've been meaning to ask you about the Dufresnes

No, but I definitely had an outbreak of sorts in my pants.

Hello, I'm in Delaware.

Her rack was the only good thing in The Stand

That's good to know. Wait a minute….this information is useless. Ya tricked me @avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus!!

Maybe it's a reference to Paul F Tompkins doing his Werner Herzog impression, but I'm not sure.

It's a miracle that I've mastered the english language, when it's a "fun fact" that a word is pronounced the way it's spelled….:)

Hehe, yes you're right. That was a little too much stream of consciousness, which is just a fancy way of saying "I was drunk".

Yes, and then we could let the geniuses at Nu-disqus run the whole thing.
Yeah, let's kickstart the Idiocracy.

Do you think they will invite The Simpsons to the party?
No, The Simpsons is too young to go to parties.
It's only 10 years old(tops).
Amirite brahs?
Yes, I am right….BECAUSE I DON'T COUNT ALL THE SEASONS! (Old man yells at cloud)

What's this ADHD you're talking about?
Meh, I don't have the patience to google it.

"Hädanefter kommer det officiella språket för Mrs. Doubtfire 2 att vara svenska."
Yup, that works for me….LOL(=skrattar högt rakt ut)

Sweden no function beer well without.

Jag är bara lagom nöjd.

Yeah, I was actually annoyed when Rust brought up the M-theory("Time is a flat circle"). Oh, come on, now you're just picking cool sounding ideas and throwing them out there. I think(my guess) that there are only a few people in the entire world who truly understands the M-theory(supersymmetry, 11 dimensions and

"All I know is my gut says, maybe."

I don't think you're allowed to have that opinion for some reason.
Let's overanalyze why you think like that instead….[SNORE]

No, Jorah not.

I bet I'd be Hodor, because I've got a big….Hodor!!

Yeah, you're probably right about that. I have recently binge-watched alot of Graham Norton shows and that influenced my suggestion. American TV-politics is not an easy topic…..:)