The Crusher Reborn

Hedonistic heathen. Dork with a oh so "edgy" (note the quotient marks) earring. Get this fool off the television. Parading his DECADENT lfiestyle across the silver screen for children to see. Meanwhile good upstanding value men such as herman cain are SLANDERED with LIES and RECEIT. Enough to churn the stomach.

Sad. Another liberal iill informed social marxist.

For all you who are in the darkness, please take a chance at dennismillerradio.com. His apperances on the O'reilly factor are both humorous and enlightening. Although his social policies are too left leaning for my likening, his latest rants on the RIDICULOUS "wall street hippie" POTests are silly hemp festivals with

What a farce. Hollyweird is OVERWHELMING liberal. One need only open the eyes to see this. Please visit Bighollywood.org helmed by andrew brightbert. The REAL inside scoop on the inner workings of loony leftyville. When I see smarmy mockers like Susan Sarandon and Tim Borrings hositng talk shows while indulging in

The only heretfofore banned for damnation is boy george

How else can we get the information to preotect everyday citizen lives? Tell me that drum cricles, how? Beat your durm circles, ciontinue beating them. but the TROOTH will previal. NO ONE can deny the fact that President Geoge W. Bush, a CHRISTION MALE, FUNDAMENTALLY DECREASED THE INSTICATION OF TOTRUE AND TERRORISM

America is a "failing superpower" end quotient marks, because not of silly Star Wars spectacle, witch admitely contains decent light and dark good and evil clean cut 50's morality, but suchwhich LIBERAL LUNACY as i have coined it. May perhaps we are a so called "failing superpower" because our so called "Superhero

What hath happened to the heroes of the past? What hath happneed to black and white morality, god vs. evil? What hath happened to the heroes of the past? Now it is an everlasting grey area of booty "poppin" and jersey shore lechery. Sad.

Do the scriptures not quote Jesus directly as instrucintg his disciples "walk directly into the viper's den and spread the light"? In this case of being, the worst place will be the BEST place, using circular logic perchance. In other phrasings, the people who need it the  MOST, thoust comprehend?

As stated in  a previous postage, the new site fucntinalities bestwoed upon us by the upper class managers have made my words clearer. As far as this "gimmick" so called is concerened, i assure you i my intent is valid and not a farce. The sad truth of the unregistered postages is that many can take my face and use it

Have you not graspsed the meaning of my first sentence on the second postage?

Escuse me, but the only jesus is jesus crist of nazareth, blessed be his nane.

Another  burned out hippy, destroyed by the very vices he foisted upon the innocent and pure.

I will concede however that these new functions bestowed upon us by our masters allow my words to achieve new clarity. Forgive the more aggregious spelling and grammatical errors, as i am a busy man, and my words are spoken in udder haste. This IS the future of this great country and the fate of god's people we are

Ah yes, the "subersion of the american small town", how quant. It iso noice to now that even after the fires of pugring the "unregistered porletariats" as the elites aren't wont to do, they continue their cruel punishing and mocking of the downtrodden and "small town american values"