
That's the popular mythology.

I'm from NY (Billy Joel) and I live in TX (Kenny Rogers).
I know it could be worse.

They ought to look for a picture of Scott Davis spinning so fast that he blew out his eardrums. Which ended his career.
Go to 4:40 for his final spin.

I took one "how to teach freshman comp" course when I was finishing grad school, and mostly it was an attempt to prepare us for the horrors of teaching freshman comp. Didn't scratch the surface.
At my u, we had to do a couple of semesters as TAs as well, two classes to teach in each of two semesters, before we were

I went to my usual Walmart on Valentine's Day. Even though I was there earlier than usual (wanted to get it over with before the weather went bad again), the candy aisle was almost stripped clean of Valentine candy.
Never seen it like that until after the day. Pretty impressive.

"with John Teti, Josh Modell, Erik Adams, David Anthony, Kyle Ryan, and I"
With "I"? Shame. No delicious candy for you until you learn when to use objective case.

When they pry his cold, dead fingers from his typewriter.
(Doesn't work as well with a computer, image-wise.)

Maybe she has a big tranny fan base.

WASP Jesus is the most popular variety. I prefer to picture him as Woody Allen, though.
"Man cannot live by bread alone. He must also have beverage. And abracadabara (pulls away cloth), here it is!"

That's funny. I thought, if anything, he was too pretty, in a young Val Kilmerish sort of way. And the hair, oh my god, the hair. I'll have nightmares about the hair. Mostly, though, for someone who was supposed to be at least part gypsy, he sure was white.

If all the bullshit were cut out of the Bible, you'd have a pamphlet.

Hey, Scrawler—Tom Hardy in Wuthering Heights—your opinion? I thought he was miscast.

Perhaps I should be grateful to Devo for making me turn off pop music and looking for something with substance. Truly, it was Devo when I gave up on pop culture in general.
Now—get off my lawn, dammit.

I did start crying when I heard Jim Henson had died, and since I was in the middle of having sex with someone, it was pretty damned awkward.
When I found out John Hartford had died, I went into the sort of depression that's commonly called "mourning," and it was a couple of years before I could listen to any of his

Please, someone—take the collected works of Sean O'Neal's Newswire
posts about Labeouf and read the posts out loud to said Labeouf. By
"Wrinkled Sack," the effect should be better than tears.

Try youtube. They're there.

And, apparently, an appearance by Col. Sanders.
Umm, chicken.

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, not Fair.
Ugh. I had to take off my gloves for this.

The Unknown Comic from the Gong Show dates from sometime in the '70s.

Back to the mothership and then homewards, you mean?