
Bought the album on cassette out of a bargain bin back on the 90's.. "Chardonnay" made it to more than a few of my mix tapes back in the day because after I heard it the first time I couldn't get it out of my head for days. How that song wasn't (even a college) radio hit I'll never understand. Felt the same way about

Agree to disagree… That Gypsy Kings song gives me goosebumps. I could have watched a montage of Kim washing her socks with that song behind it and I still would have been riveted… I was hoping they would play the full version, all the way to the end. The Frank Sinatra, Nina Simone and freakin' Elvis Presley versions

No time to read through the hundreds of comments to make sure someone mentioned the avant garde/proto-industrial whatever that is Cromagnon's "Caledonia" from 1969… If you're going to use bagpipes, might as well use 'em to invent an entire genre. http://youtu.be/U8jOhqOsouM

Yes I am, erm, I mean, they sure are!

Well sarcastic in that I figured from the context it was from a song, but I don't listen to Drake. The joys of being 46: old enough to recognize when a modern cultural reference is being made, but too old to actually get the reference.

Wait, that's a line from a song?

Some of that stuff about un-baptized babies going to Limbo, but then the Catholic Church canceled Limbo, is from an old George Carlin routine from the early 70's (I believe it was on the 'Class Clown' album)… I know Louis was a huge Carlin fan so I'm not surprised.

Back to the future back to.

Hey, all work and Moe play makes Moe a Moe Moe

Well yeah it was a fun album… Hell it was essentially a Prince album with a female singer! I mean, it wasn't all "A"-level material, but still it was Prince from when he was in his early-80's prime!

The original is one of my 80's favorites. No Doubt's rather faithful version is actually very good, and when it came out I remember being very happy that such an awesome song suddenly had a new lease on life, that millions of then-youngsters who had never heard of Talk Talk were going to love the song as much as I

“Get rid of the pussy, jump the rhythm, and tune it up” is amazing… the precursor to Boogie Nights' immortal "You heard the man: Speed it up a few octaves."

What awful, awful news to wake up to. We'll miss you Starman :-(

And I remember "(I Am the) D.J." Getting quite a bit of play back in the day… "Fantastic Voyage" is a personal fave.

Did you register me as a sex offender?

MTV didn't "try to make him a hair-metal guy"… G-n-R were very much a part of the L.A. hair metal scene in their early days, and Axl used to spike up his hair like all the others as often as not when they played live. When he swapped out the hairspray for a bandana starting with the "Sweet Child O'Mine" video, it

No! No! Just… No!

Now by "pretty sacred" you mean like 7-on-a-10-scale sacred?

He could've played guitar better than Hendrix
He could've told the future
He could've baked the most delicious cake in the world

I always assumed he was considered generally good-looking by the world at large, but watching him when Ghostbusters was on basic cable the other day, my wife told me that neither she or any of her friends ever thought so… "Isn't he known more for having bad, pockmarked skin?" I honestly had never noticed.