
Do you find it problematic?

Which is why dismissing "Yellow Submarine" for being a "children's song" is ridiculous… It's silly, but also fun, and it has one of the catchiest choruses ever recorded (who here hasn't gotten the damn thing stuck in their head at some point?)… Might as well point out (if someone hasn't already beat me to it) that

"Birthday" is "dreck" but effing "Bungalow Bill" makes the list?

I know I have!

Yep, that's me… Kermit the Grof was the one that didn't actually speak but just made growl-y noises :-p

…I keep ordering my "Kermit the Frog" t-shirt, and I keep getting shirts that say Kermit the Forg or Kermit the Grof.

This is gonna be sweet!

Be like the boy!

Oh he didn't "punch that girl"… He spontaneously reacted to someone continually tickling him while he kept telling her to stop…

Just what television needs… A "great big hug" of a network.

"Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly; Man got to sit and wonder, 'Why, why, why?' Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land; Man got to tell himself he understand."

…eating birdseed right out of the bag.

No mention yet of Schmidt's closing sentence about his Lord and savior Jesus Christ at the press conference? I have to rectify that.

This cello kills fascists.

I once drunk myself blind to the sound of old T Rex…

Fun, wonderful episode… Yes Coach, we'll miss you big time.

Honestly, any of the dozens of albums that contain more than 3, maybe 4 songs that I would include on a mixtape. Lack of upvotes reinforces what I've known for years, that I'm one of very, very few modern rock fans wearing a 'Kid A is Overrated' t-shirt. As I said, I like it, think it's a very good album, just not

Jumped on the Radiohead bandwagon circa OK Computer… Thought Kid A was a good album, and a ballsy move for the band to change gears and make something semi-challenging after such a mega-hit… As much as I like it though , I still think Rolling Stone declaring it the Best Album of the '00's is just ridiculous.

That's the second time he's pulled the plug on me.

Damn… So that's what I get for skipping the intro. #%£$@!!!