DJ Robby Robb Rob

Good grief; I'm as stupid as the writers. It didn't even occur to me that Hershal was a goddamned veterinarian.

Ugh; I dislike the NuDicksucks as well.

Of COURSE it can't cure cancer!

The U.S. is still quite puritanical in some areas. You can show someone's head getting blown clean off [blood pooling on ground/etc], but DON'T YOU DARE SWEAR OR SHOW SOME BOOB!!!

You're not alone! There's still love for it up here in Canuckistan!

I have always loved this song.

"Cat Power to growl her way across the eastern United States this fall…"

The font size is all huge now.

HA! I'm not THAT creepy!

SLEAZY/CREEPY OLD-MAN COMMENT: I'm liking the copious amount of cleavage I'm noticing this season of Homeland. I'm certainly not complaining about that element of the show!

I fully sympathize with you.

Sigh:  Stephanie Zimbalist was so, so pretty…

Margaret Atwood comes immediately to mind.

What is this "The Star Wars" I keep hearing about?

I've never been a big fan of Hamlet.

A good deal of the action/situations depicted in this show almost play like fantasy.  As though Walter White is merely dreaming this stuff up in his "Secret Life of Walter Mitty" like mind.

It's so easy to have your favourite shows spoiled by The Evil Internet.  Hell:  The other day I read a preview article for Homeland on the AV Club.  First poster to the forums gave away a major plot point to The Americans the first sentence I read!  JEEEEEEEEEEEESUS!!!  (I am behind in finishing that season.)

Well Hello There, Fellow Late-Viewer!


We say "aboat," however.