DJ Robby Robb Rob

"But the real problem is that there isn’t a problem at all. This is the way TV shows and movies are supposed to look—the way they should have always looked"\

"Behind the Wheel" remains one of my all time favourite DM tracks.  I don't think I'll ever tire of it.

"Behind the Wheel" remains one of my all time favourite DM tracks.  I don't think I'll ever tire of it.

Wow.  And here I thought no country on earth got screwed out of concerts more than my own Canaduh.  (Larger acts play Toronto, Montreal, and maybe Vancouver.  Aside from a few exceptions, that's pretty much it.  So my apologies, Australia!)

Wow.  And here I thought no country on earth got screwed out of concerts more than my own Canaduh.  (Larger acts play Toronto, Montreal, and maybe Vancouver.  Aside from a few exceptions, that's pretty much it.  So my apologies, Australia!)

As a cohesive album, Violator is definitely the band's peak. Some of my favourite Mode songs belong to other albums, however. I'd be loathe to be forced to choose just one album over another.

As a cohesive album, Violator is definitely the band's peak. Some of my favourite Mode songs belong to other albums, however. I'd be loathe to be forced to choose just one album over another.

HAHAAA!  I see through you!  They didn't tour for Ultra.

HAHAAA!  I see through you!  They didn't tour for Ultra.



"Frankly, I find it hard for him to not die at this point, without the show somehow selling its soul, though I’m willing to be proved wrong on that count."

"Frankly, I find it hard for him to not die at this point, without the show somehow selling its soul, though I’m willing to be proved wrong on that count."



Sometimes I do wish this show had more than six episodes to flesh out storylines and characters.

Sometimes I do wish this show had more than six episodes to flesh out storylines and characters.

Pity, then, his annoying, grating voice often got in the way.

Pity, then, his annoying, grating voice often got in the way.

Apart from a few tracks, I was never fully "into" this album. But I was a good boy and bought a copy. I tried!