Exactly, her staying made it seem like there was going to be a strong, experienced voice in the writers room to help keep the show's voice cohesive.
Exactly, her staying made it seem like there was going to be a strong, experienced voice in the writers room to help keep the show's voice cohesive.
I really would love to see more of Donna's family/friends. But generally, I want to see more Donna. I think she's sadly underused on this show.
I really would love to see more of Donna's family/friends. But generally, I want to see more Donna. I think she's sadly underused on this show.
I think it's best if I never meet Jack Gleeson (the actor who plays Joffrey on Game of Thrones). He's easily the most punchable character of the shows I watch.
I think it's best if I never meet Jack Gleeson (the actor who plays Joffrey on Game of Thrones). He's easily the most punchable character of the shows I watch.
The promos for next week make it seem as though she accuses Stefan of being in the closet. I hope he completely loses his mind on her.
The promos for next week make it seem as though she accuses Stefan of being in the closet. I hope he completely loses his mind on her.
When he was on the Doug Loves Movies NYC/Gramercy special earlier this this year, I just fell more in love with him.
When he was on the Doug Loves Movies NYC/Gramercy special earlier this this year, I just fell more in love with him.
So, after the Gladware Challenge, we jumped into the PT Cruiser and headed to Whole Foods to get the supplies for our Snow White and the Huntsman Elimination Challenge.
So, after the Gladware Challenge, we jumped into the PT Cruiser and headed to Whole Foods to get the supplies for our Snow White and the Huntsman Elimination Challenge.
Top Chef may have the most awkward product placement on television right now. I can't help but cringe every time Padma's reading off the cue cards in these quickfires.
Top Chef may have the most awkward product placement on television right now. I can't help but cringe every time Padma's reading off the cue cards in these quickfires.
contestants in the stew room: "So who won?"
Stefan, pointing behind him to Kristen: Wifey
contestants in the stew room: "So who won?"
Stefan, pointing behind him to Kristen: Wifey
It's being delivered about as subtley as the product placement.
It's being delivered about as subtley as the product placement.
The first bit of his I've ever heard is "greatest meal I've ever had" about a jukebox prank he and a friend played when they were 11. Of course, I was listening to it in a public place and couldn't laugh as much as I wanted to. If you haven't heard it, it's pretty fantastic.
The first bit of his I've ever heard is "greatest meal I've ever had" about a jukebox prank he and a friend played when they were 11. Of course, I was listening to it in a public place and couldn't laugh as much as I wanted to. If you haven't heard it, it's pretty fantastic.
Loved it, minus the shrieking girls (next to whoever was recording, I guess) who were both off-key and off-tempo.