
Yeah I thought I read a producer making it seem like Black Canary is staying Sarah Lance. And I thought the actress had way more chemistry with Amell then Cassidy ever has.

We've seen it all. And it wouldn't be a comedy.

I recall reading that the Suicide Squad is set to show up at some point. That should be a fantastic ep. And one of the producers said that episode 5 of this season is the best they've done.

Possibility? I'd say damn near certainty. Mark Millar is to rape what Frank Miller is to horrible right wing nuttery.

Evolution is great! If you have the DVD the commentary with Jones, Duchovny and Sean William Scott is hilarious.

She served a purpose, she kept fucking dudes to keep her plot going. I'm sure next season she'll sleep with Sperg lady and cause her to break up with Marco.


Also out of the park guess. Frye is secretly a serial killer, its why he lied to his partner about his "confession" to what happened to Santi Jr and why he was the only victim of Tate's that did not get killed (the bomb conveintly wasn't real? Seriously?)

Yeah I have no idea why Marco doesn't go full Jack Bauer at that point. No see the show needs him to wind up on the Bridge with Tate because thats how Bron was.This show is way too devoted to the source material.

David Tate super serial killer. Able to ditch a car in a cemetary, put a policmen's son in a septic tank to slowly drown to death, and kidnap a journalist from an AA meeting he would have no way of knowing he'd be at in broad daylight.  All of this of course despite being in a serious tbone collision that seriously

That's also the reason you can know that he'll hole up in your old highschool. Such is the bond of coal digging.

Also its a good thing that Marco cheated on his wife during this new case and his wife figured it out immediately. Otherwise the whole Alma torture would have not have worked at all!

So many stupid things. The gus kidnapping which has been taken down all over. But what about the alma grenade? Grenades do not explode that big and that shack was fucking huge, get your daughters on one end, and lob the grenade towards the door. Problem sort of solved (you're still retardedly IN THE MIDDLE OF THE

Oh yeah I got them late in the draft, just I thought it was funny.

Man I have Blair Walsh and the texans D in my own fantasy league… My god what I have done?

Nah I'm pretty sure Dickie's gunshot was not fatal (I believe in that ep he's seen being stretchered out).

Everyone remembers Dewey but you guys are forgetting his loser in crime Dickie Bennett. Another asshole well past his expiration date yet he keeps on.

Maybe Mike doesn't appreciate the game properly and Duffy tired of him complaining? I mean when you are watching Serena Williams sometimes you just have to sit back and enjoy the moment.

I dunno about that, on Justified you get a lot of Timothy Olyphant nudity and scenes about on par if not more so than any of the ladies.

I dunno I just don't think they are handling female characters well on this show, so it wouldn't surprise me if it was another botched job at it.