
Only if he comes back with an extremely thicker neck. Like Nerdy Brock Lesner.

True, Datak definately seems to want for respect from everyone. The VC is actually one of the elements not really addressed yet in game or in show.

So you're saying revolution continues to be as awful as it looked before.

Yeah the over arcing plot about the cave relic? Who gives a shit, other than giving Quinton and by extension Rafe something to do other than be manly miner men.  The politics and post apocolypse nation states they have going on? Way more interesting. Not to mention in the game there is nothing about weird caves or

I'd imagine Vegas prison is a private for profit prison run by the ereps. In the game paradise also has sent hardened criminals to vegas (which is another free city state area though there is a healthy erep presence due to the situations that come about in the game).

I do have to say I like the idea of Graham Greene's character being the one having problems with the votans. Because if there was ever a group of people that should be leery of a technologically superior group wanting to share land it would be native americans.

I hate to be the nerd here, but Varus is first name of the character in the game and show Nolan owes money toward.  They also mentioned Cooper in passing who's another quest giver in the game and was the leader of the Iron Demons who stood at the original fort defiance.