
This finale is so perfect I don't even feel bad we never got more Freaks & Geeks, honestly. Plus from stuff I read about what they're planning on doing for season 2 seemed really bad anyway.

Nah. He does stupid stuff sometimes but it's so amusing and ridiculous it's hard to be mad at him for it.

Rap would be radically different for one…

Who ironically was naked in the film as well. Progressive!

The Ross and Carol storyline in The One With the Candy Hearts has always been a favorite for me. It's just string of funny and really touching scenes and really gives you a sense of how much they loved each other and what Ross has lost. They never really flesh it out past this but that's OK cause it's so good in this

Tartlets?! Tartlets?! Tartlets?! The word has lost all meaning.

They keep playing commercials for the DVD whenever I'm watching TV and I laugh every time Franco opens his mouth. So I should probably see it sooner or later.

Aaron is my favorite character on the show, it might be cause I love Lee Pace so much but he's so awesome.

But Jesus will never say to him "What up Yeezus?"

You know he just brought that to set from his personal collection.

Who is the fuck is Arcade Fire?

Are you sure it didn't give you 23 diseases?!

His brother James Carrey must be so ashamed by him.

Two insanely rich men complain about how hard it is to get films financed.

But when is he gonna be working on the Jingle All the Way sequel?

Chandler soul calls out for her. JANICE. JANICE. He pushes her away and then he pulls her back in. JANICE. JANICE.

Chandler and Phoebe is one of my favorite pairings of characters. They never get to hang out alone too much and it usually happens in the end tag of episodes but it's always good. My favorite is them singing Lionel Richie together.

The fashion show walk Lorelia and Emily do is one of the most cringe-worthy things ever.

Can't wait for him to return with his new folk album.

Seriously. Snyder is a fucking awful director and a dark and angsty Superman is fucking stupid. I don't get why people are surprised it apparently sucked.