
No but we did learn about the glories of Gamecast and a great song for being stuck in traffic. "Traffic traffic, looking for my chapstick. There's a Ford Maverick!"

I guess this is why Mad Men is so overt with its symbolism, cause people make stupid theories like this.

Overall I'd say the Geeks get the majority of the storylines (especially if you include Lindsay into the Geeks section) while the Freaks can tend to be sidetracked and that's one thing that always bugged me about the show since I enjoyed the Freaks far more than the Geeks.

The stories about Franco on the set of the show are some of my favorite things. All the examples of the crazy shit he did are always hilarious and then all the stuff he did that got into the show are equally as weird and great. In hindsight it should have been really obvious what he was gonna become later in life.

Despite the fact the ratings for Breaking Bad are always rising with each season.

Cue bringing back the conversations of Breaking Bad being a rip-off of Weeds.

His name is Flynn!

With his trusty sidekick Reasonably Happy Huell.

I'm most likely gonna hate this but I can't pass up this cast.

The best part of it is when Jason Segel clearly doesn't know what word is next, fumbles, and then just follows what Millie says.


Hey remember how you loved the characters in Arrested Development? What if we just switched everyone's personalities randomly?! Wouldn't that be awesome?

I agree with everything except about Dr. Norman. John Slattery fits perfectly in the AD world and is pretty much the only redeeming factor to George Sr. episodes.

It's also very annoying that they keep being meta and talking about the Arrested Development movie. Like we've had so much pointless back and fourth with information for the movie to begin with, I'd rather not have to deal with it in the new season as well. Especially considering it still isn't confirmed if there even

4 The Mare.

Man he really did a poor job of donating that money anonymously.

Sadly since then none of his performances have been nearly as incredibly.

I thought it was cause of his incredibly performance as Unnamed Doctor in Knocked Up.

We can only see the Jim Halpert face so many times before it begins to lose it's effect.

I think it had more to do with that fact Steve Carrell was a star now after 40 Year Old Virgin so he had to start looking better.