
Back when season 1 was airing, when I wasn't watching the show yet, I remember hearing about it, and maybe seeing a scene or two and not being too into it.  The show is not exactly the most accessible for new viewers joining in the middle of an episode.

Jessie is a great interviewer, and The Sound of Young America is a great show, but I've preferred his other podcast Jordan, Jessie, Go! ever since The Sound started focusing more on interviews. That being said, I will be sure to check out this episode for the Chris Lilley interview

For most of the episode I really thought Joel had shaved his head.  It really looks real!  I was so confused, but then the bald cap joke happened and I reluctantly understood

Not once!

Discuss the new Community episode here (until the review is posted).

does this remind anyone else of that 30 Rock joke with the voice-activated television, where the characters say things like "mute" or "delete everything off my dvr" and the TV obeyed their commands?

also, don't forget the whitaker eyes

after searching youtube and seeing that the shins play breathe live very often, my comment seems extra embarrassing.  sorry avclub

Last night at the Shins concert in Toronto, they finished their encore with Breathe, with a disco ball spinning over the audience… and it was a great, faithful cover.  It was a amazing end to the night

I didn't know anyone was embarrassed to like them.  It's just good music

"My Friend's Bi, Bitch!"

I was wondering this too… maybe "When Will You Die"?

Italian bald guy
Does anyone think that the bald Italian contestant looks exactly like Jason Segel… if I'm not listening to his Italian accent, I keep thinking it's Marshall in some older man future gag for How I Met Your Mother

I haven't seen shirts like that myself, but yeah, that "I go to school x and that makes me better than you" definitely exists at Canadian schools like Queens, U of T, maybe McGill…

I go to University of Toronto's downtown campus (St George) and I can assure you that university elitism certainly exists here. That is, the students at my school tend to think they are better than everyone else.