
Depeche Mode - "Enjoy the Silence"

"Pervert" kinda does.

I predict Allison the winner this cycle. Those eyes are going to make for some pretty interesting photographs.

My glam-ma won't put down her Jitterbug.

Buy the man his lunch.

I won a Master Shake air freshener in the Adult Swim Lifetime of Guaranteed Happiness contest. There were only 10,000 prizes, so, yeah, I lucked out big time.

I've had a Zero bar, and they are kinda weird. Seems like it's diabeetus in bar form.

Whackity Schmackity Doo!

What's the word? Thunderbird!

A song that would definitely be on my tape:

I have seen the Death Bed.

Better start eating!

Don't Do What Donny Don't Does.

Another vote for Talking Heads. And Pulp.

I thought Peyton Manning was a good host.

Putting nuts in a girl is like putting your dog in a bathtub.

Yeah, me too. Thanks for the info, Kid.

What's your dad's e-mail address?

I received a set of Henckel knives for Christmas - one of the greatest gifts ever.