
Well, downsizing or moving on. It's not the narrative which I find disagreeable (setting up stories for the future is a good thing), it's just that if this is the way I had to say goodbye to the series, I wouldn't be too happy.

I think Nathan's death was a wake-up call to Finch, but he still has his limits - i.e. he doesn't condone killing. But if something happened to Grace in the here and now, I think he could do terrible things like Root has, but with a much more primal motivation.

I think that is what happened also, but it seems a little strange that he'd be able to hack to hardware so that the call would get route through twice without access to the machine. Clearly by the time Reese got the call and picked up, Root already finished the call, so did the machine call twice? That's a pretty odd

@avclub-9cd818ea56273170b63f339aa6f34bca:disqus My thoughts exactly. It's not like it can really stray to far from its procedural nature, but to make it go rogue then revert it back to it's previous state would be kind of the status quo thing I would worry about - kind of like there's no real stakes or consequences.

I'm curious as to how far Finch would go to protect Grace. Especially after that "everybody dies" speech to Nathan, ironically juxtaposed to his proposal to Grace.

I think Zoe is a better lady-friend for Reese. Their interactions are more fun.

I wonder if they're going to make the Machine go rogue. That would be kind of a game-changer, but too SkyNet-like for me.

And Reese also.

What was surprising about this episode was how thrillng it felt given how much of the information we (the audience) already knew. It seems absurd that Finch hadn't figured out Decima's plans given that he knew what would happen if the machine went down, and how Root almost seemed to know more than him. Of course, if

I thought last year's season finale was better, and would have served as a better series finale. This episode just felt kind of depressing - just tonally different. The only thing I laughed at was Ron's advice to Tom - "Find the buyer and buy his business." Even the Jean-Ralphio stuff didn't seem that funny, which is

It's certainly possible that making Fusco a much darker character would have resulted in a stronger narrative, plus it could have set up Fusco as a potential villain further down the line (that's still possible - they treat him pretty poorly) or, at the very least, an opportunist who makes a bad choice that goes

Next week, the PoI is….the machine!

Well, Reese was the one who instigated the whole REEEEEVENGE!!! thing, and it's been established that Reese basically does whatever he feels like, so take that as you will.

Henson does great work consistently on the series - I think Chapman gets singled out a bit more they don't make as much use of him in general. Carter has been doing lots of illegal things on their behalf (she made the evidence disappear to help Reese when he was at Riker's, she led the CIA and FBI on wild-goose

Carter's behaviour might have been frustrating, but I think they are trying to underscore her struggle in reconciling her straight-arrow, by-the-book nature with her new, more morally ambiguous role. Recall her disgust at her fellow soldiers when she was in the Green Zone in Afghanistan when they broke her word by

Didn't view it as much as peer pressure as it was Fusco's character, whose wariness at life makes him susceptible to his circumstances. He'll go whichever way the wind blows. I think having characters like Elias and Root create a nice moral ambiguity in the other direction - bad guys doing the odd good thing.

Based on that, do you prefer season 1 with its greater focus on Mr. Reese?

Well. if it goes offline, it won't quite be Skynet.

@Ike1:disqus  You're right about the business model. The only reason why I was referring to the total numbers was because of how quiet the board was, and I figured some of those missing 1.5M people might be the ones who normally posted here.

Good catch - I thought he was going to get it tested, given the only diagnosis was Reese seemingly pulling the polonium diagnosis out of think air.