
It was just something about the Shaw character just didn't really appeal to me, but that's just a personal preference thing. I'm really glad that people are enjoying the show - PoI is still my favorite drama series on the air currently.

Wow - I think I'm going to be in the minority here.

Wow, I've never liked Councilman Jamm since I think he's just a plot device, but stink-bombing a wedding is a new low. My only regret was that Ron just knocked out a tooth.

"The government in this town is excellent and uses your tax dollars efficiently." - the best joke ever on Parks and Recreation as told by Ron Swanson. I find it hilarious.

"…embracing a more inclusive, socialist doctrine that rejects the capitalist lapdog’s insistence on kowtowing to Nielsen."

It's Second Opinion Week - which is TV Club's version of Freaky Friday, where we all learn to see things from another perspective and grow closer as a community!

Was this a recent interview? Does she talk about what the future holds for Gravity Falls given how erratic the scheduling has been?

Can't believe he didn't have a cameo on CougarTown during the Scrubs reunion - I mean, they were on the same network already (ABC)!

Carter taking out the strangler in the police station was pretty bad-ass also.

Sarah Shahi is supposed to become a recurring character in an arc - potentially main cast eventually according to some interviews. But I read the description in the episode description about the "sexy lethal government agent" and thought that was pretty cliched - I hope they spin her character into something

@avclub-6307a12d5c9e2fb5f23518a9a0ee8dd1:disqus  Not necessarily. She left Denton Weeks mostly intact. Root is brutally smart, but she's definitely not the brawn. And the special counsellor does have Hersh, so….

Yeah - he's not really employee of the month material (except at the library).

Ditto. Did her name show up in the opening credits? I didn't see it.

I thought this episode was more satisfying than the previous two episodes. I was surprised by some of the twists, and enjoyed how it drew together more of the plotlines. The POIOTW induced a bit of eye-rolling but the setup was fun. It's always great to see that Harold in yet another customer service position - they

I really dislike Councilman Jamm. He exists purely as a plot device to antagonize Leslie, but he's like a fish out of water in Pawnee. Bobby Newport Jr. was a much better nemesis for Leslie - he seemed like he really fit in Pawnee, where Jamm's main characteristic is being an SOB.

@avclub-bd639b876c6a37363c08ea18cbcfe0c4:disqus I don't think that would be wise - there's no way PoI could maintain these ratings on any other night. Moving TBBT to Thursday dramatically improved its ratings. Moving TGW to Sundays tanked its ratings.

I suppose that's just logistics for a long-running show. With the recent storylines in PoI, I can't say I would expect to see the same main cast in season 5 as, to stay true to the context of the show, they are in a dangerous business and there will be collateral damage.

It's strange to me that without the machine, there would be no way for him to know about all of these PoIs, but the creation of the machine to stop threats to national security has created an unforeseen burden.

Well, time to go through the five stages.

I think all CBS shows inherit that to some degree, but there must be some element in shows like NCIS and CSI which appeal to a lot of people. Ironically, I would imagine that the serialized elements might be the thing which turns off potential viewers - it can be quite dense at times.