
*clicks through shirt options*

When the character's going to be important again hasn't stopped them with Theon.

I'm not going anywhere near the newbies.  If experience with book readers has taught me anything, they're going to hurl objects at the head of anyone who knew what was coming and let them sit through the scene anyway.

Eh, if this sci-fi/fantasy thing the other networks are experimenting with catches on, we might get a little more variety.  Granted, most of those shows are basically the cop formula with extra trimmings, but baby steps.

I desperately want someone to cast her and Kristin Chenoweth in something together.  Musical, sitcom, Vegas production where they're mermaids on trapezes, I don't really care.

Jimmy would, but he's too busy getting high.

Or Everybody Loves Renly.

Is it wrong of me to actively be rooting for it to fail so Margo Martindale can do more on The Americans?

I think they're trying to minimize the number of broken televisions by not having it come completely out of left field.

Okay, someone help me understand.  End of last season, they telegraphed that Julia was pregnant.  Then they dumped that plotline, because nobody wanted more family nonsense.  Why, why, why would you reintroduce it with Ivy?

What Jay said.  I think the near-universal reaction to Kyle's death was, "No!  Take Jimmy with you!"