
I remember liking the adult version better:  Mr. Magorium's Dildo Emporium.  The plot made more sense.

I want to read a blog post where GRRM describes Walter Jr.'s breakfast. 

All That Jizz

I'm going to go ahead a call it:  Det. John Kennex is himself, an andriod!

sweet mother of god, what is this?  Is this show on the television?

I tried to explain to my wife last night that Pain & Gain is supposed to be a good movie.  Although I couldn't remember if I laughed at the AVClub review because the movie was funny or the review was funny.  Either way, I definitely remember laughing.

Dusty Rhodes?

I put it to you, Ken!  Is this not an indictment of our entire American way of life?  Well you can say what you want about us.  But I'm not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America! 

It's not television.  It's HBO.

I was sort of hoping Terry would rise out of his grave as a zombie.  He'd make a great zombie.

I guess I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.

Joffrey:  If I tell the Hound to cut you in half, he'll do it without a second thought.
Tyrion:  That would make me the quarter-man. Just doesn't have the same ring to it.

What's with the Dodgeball shot?  That's a great movie (in its own way). 

The Funyons people are going to come down hard on HBO. 

Tell me are you a bad fish, too? (Are you a bad fish too?)

It is Pam.  I hate it when tv shows do this, but you could tell from the preview for next week.  Eric is left in the white room with blood splattered all over the glass.  Peeking through the hole in the glass and sees Steve Newlin who says something like "I had nothing to do with this . . . ".  Ergo.  Dead Pam. 

"It’s the film Wahlberg and John C. Reilly’s characters in Boogie Nights would have written as a vehicle for themselves in a coked-up, narcissistic delirium, fatally unaware that the narrative makes them look like oblivious, dim-witted assholes, not the swaggering, Tony Montana-like badasses of their

When is Stephen Dorff going to get a break?  That guy's due.

But would you get the impression that I really wanted to see it?

What would you say if I said that I haven't seen Evil Dead 2 yet?