
Women pay good money for those shirts, Turtle. And you ask why?

I want to have sexual relations with that woman.

I acknowledge your need for attention.

I don't know anything about this movie, but I can guarantee that at some point the bomb squad will drive around in a humvee while ACDC's "Thunderstruck" plays loudly.

the humans are dead.

Gigglebot transforms into a vibrator that Megan Fox uses in the climactic third act.

Borderline? I think I'm going to lose my mind. Cuz you keep on pushing my love over the borderline.

Michael Cera will never get to be Mr. Manager with that passive attitude.

Yo estoy loco por el Cornballer!

"I 've got an arm like a damn rocket, a cock like a Burmese python, and the mind of a fucking scientist."

this never would have happened under T. Herman Zweibel's watch.

AJR is a "___ enthusiast" enthusiast.

kanye's robot girlfriend gave me a Boneroo.

my friend was mauled by a cougar.

I have walked out of two movies:

I been in the game for ten years making rap tunes. Ever since honeys were wearing Sassoon.

Did you write a song about your awful movie going experiwnce? Was it called "Conrad and his Mom See a Really Bad Movie"?

Can someone tell me what's wrong with Jim Rockford being really, really, really ridiculously goodlooking?