
I watched the first…five? minutes of the first episode, up until Phil claims there are no other survivors, and immediately shut it off.

Same Slap time, same Slap channel - c'mon, Monty!

I Loved that and the "conceited" line just before it - confident not-an-idiot Winston is The Best

Ugh, the only reason the "Stadium Food" song wasn't worse than the Gay Wolf song, is because it's not as much of a failed hate crime.

I was okay/on board with the episode, but that silent conversation out of nowhere made me laugh So hard

So, whyyy doesn't Phil just divorce/end things with Carol? If she wants to do the repopulation thing, they would still have sex occasionally, and it would be an honest look at how terrible it was for them to be married in the first place.

I think it's because Asia covers a lot of different countries, and - I'm guessing - the people with that background are either considered "brown/Arab/Middle Eastern (somehow)" or "Asian-youknowhatImean".

The Dancing Machine clip broke my brian. (buh duh bum…fart?)

Thank you for saying this! Phil Has been a creepy asshole, but he also was coerced into a marriage/relationship that he didn't want to have (seemingly) at all.

That was just…SO great. I didn't know such incredible enthusiasm for a cartoon could be so uplifting

Agree on that take regarding which attorneys the mole women would have remembered, but I still thought the combination of the weirdness/behaviors and the reference made it much funnier than Tine and Jerry playing two random incompetent lawyers.

Agreed - very much an "intentionally oblivious" move

It's really making Mindy seem really weak/pathetic - Danny has been kind of a giant asshole for several episodes now, and barely apologizes let alone actually indicate that he's going to change.

That ending tag was awful, right? Also, Jess was an asshole? And shame isn't exactly a Bad thing/ownership of dumb behavior isn't always a Good thing? Do I like this show? Who am I talking to? Questions!!!

Haha, "Hey, how'd my friend do on that network show she was on? I'd be supportive and watch it, but I'd rather ask some internet strangers about it instead."

haha YES. Stupid Jasmine not having his back at all during what was supposed to Not be a fight was so aggravating- I know I've been on the receiving end of a partner's "um, Join In, please?" looks during similar arguments, as well as having given them and being frustrated out of my mind.

Well, now I have to re-watch this episode, because I turned it off when she started running into glass-walls. I should have remembered that "Menzies" pulled through, but that part was just kind of painfully dumb for me.

Well, now I have to re-watch this episode, because I turned it off when she started running into glass-walls. I should have remembered that "Menzies" pulled through, but that part was just kind of painfully dumb for me.

Man, I don't want to agree with all of this, but I kind of do. Except the Amber-schocking part was a pleasant surprise- not sure if Ryan sticks around for the next couple of episodes, but if he didn't? That would be kind of awesome.