
Everyone got fatter faces.
I've been watching the show through OnDemand, which adds about two episodes per couple of weeks…and I'm only in the middle of season two. I figured since I got over my irrational "this just Looks terrible" hate and enjoyed the show so far, I'd probably like a new episode, or at least not

…I think he was pointing out how "Hollywood New Yorkers" doesn't make sense.

El Santo- exactly! And neither company says, "Well, actually, it kind of really depends on where you live- why don't you try out a phone for 30 days, like you're allowed to?"

Yeah, if there's One thing I'm completely sick of, it's the rampant Brownies running around, starring in every movie, singing every hit album, annnd being stand up comedians. If only they would stop taking OUR jobs, AMIRITE?!

Cover this with coverage.

Stand (arrow sign up) 2 Cancer- I don't need to see Rashida Jones and Rob Lowe with "fr srius" face, while an incredibly horrible song that's worse than "Kidney Now!" is played, to know that cancer sucks.

why does Hell need to be guarded?

So…Chang is hot.
Right? I'm not wrong about that in some way?

loved this
"…BOnus turtle meat." Perfection.

I was with you until "…when she goes to get one of those coffee drinks with the straw. " - Have you never been to a Starbucks/ANY Coffee-house ever? You didn't even need to use, "Frappaccino"- you could've said, "iced coffee".

Oh, Typical Albuquerque Guy- you so Craay-zy!

wow, really? Already into the Caruso-post-hating?