La Sirena

if you're old enough to have beaten up my dad back when he was in high school, then what the fuck are you doing at frat parties?

Andre Braugher
don't know what the fuck he's been up to for the past decade (seen him in a few bit TV roles, nothing memorable) but goddamnit he will always be Det. Frank Pembelton and therefore untouchable.

so, The 3 C's of Success, if you were a suicide bomber in Pakistan, you'd blow yourself up and end up in Mexico as your reward?

oh hell, why not…

"fake breasts run in his family"
I'm pretty sure that Ann just recognizes the douche-y aspects of Mark that Leslie seems oblivious of.

you realize the alamo was much more about mexicans murdering texans than vice versa, right?

then, your faith in our government bursts out of its coffin, a zombified version of its former self, and devours the rest of your brain to sustain itself.

to be fair, everything else in the coloring book comes out shitty Comic Sans too

yeah, this one's not nearly so bad as COINTELPRO's Black Panther coloring book or Disney's WWII propaganda cartoons. I've come to expect much worse from government-distributed children's entertainment.

i'm waiting for them to have some nice shirtless lance reddick action like the wire was rocking in the last season

nice song choices on both counts

nothing says 'this episode is just treading water, wait for next week' like a character repeatedly proclaiming:

"hi, CDC? can I get an order of an extinct strain of syphilis? yeah, and some fries."

jesus christ, under_scoring, I waited until after torts to come trolling in the t.v. club comments. i need to re-prioritize, obviously.

just trying to bump pathetically small comment numbers
always liked cursive and the good life. haven't gotten a chance to see either live, but from the sound of it, there's some hot drunken messes going on at the concerts. which is not as fun to watch as it used to be.

@ Mrs Schiller

I haven't actively hated him like some around these parts, but the first time I really liked/had sympathy for Topher was tonight's episode. His impression of the movie guy's voice, the laser tag (HIMYM crossover fondness here), and, of course that it was on his birthday.

eternal life
"Nice adjective, excellent noun. Is there more?"

I can't decide whether Minelli falls more into the nepotism or the gay-icon exception to the attractive woman rule. I guess she is some cataclysmic combination of both.

infants are sexting now? this trend really has gotten out of hand.