La Sirena

Just watch out for whichever one has a goatee.

Currently drinking a Shiner, content that I will be leaving the shit-hole midwest and returning to sweet sweet Texas in a few weeks.

Unless you have the patience for a stoner-paced show, Reaper can become frustrating very quickly.

I've been wearing the blacks and greys
When performing mind-altering experiments on children in order to prepare for a coming inter-dimensional war, always use the buddy system.

Popcorn holy trinity:

IES David Chang is also accepted. Though maybe Nethertether was trying shift Chang into a verb form.

Yeah, about as clumsy as letting your top-secret supercomputer containing every government secret, ever, be downloaded into some schmuck's brain. Way to fuck up, government!

Sylar's single tear
Watching Danko and Sylar bitch about their identity crises was like a bad scene from an after school special between a high school guidance counselor and a pissy teenage girl.

Chuck and Morgan control the spice AND the worms.

But it was far too confined in the car for him to get the appropriate torque to bludgeon. Though it worked nicely deflecting some bullets.

Chuck in the car
It's like Chuck reached into my mind and pulled out all the things I didn't even know I wanted to see.
In no particular order:
Stepfather eating an orange as Morgan comes to beg forgiveness.
"You don't think I could kill you with my thumb or my elbow?"
"From one stalker to another, I am impressed"