Fuck. When did comic books become readable again? I all but gave it up right around blackest night.
Fuck. When did comic books become readable again? I all but gave it up right around blackest night.
I'm amazed that In The Flesh from the BBC was able to breathe a little life into the genre. It's the first time in ages it felt like a zombie thing had something original to say.
I have the same feeling about movies where Tough Guys treat naked women like shit. There's a "trying to have your cake and eat it too" vibe to it when you want to make a point about the toxicity of modern masculinity while simultaneously indulging in male gaze.
I don't know, Mike, "everyone agrees all the horrible shit in the world is horrible" isn't much of a critique
If we can incorporate the sweet soothing voice of chef john in V.O. then you've sold me
She was great on gilmore girls, which was a great show.
Idris Elba had some homemade videos on youtube a few years ago and they proved he can be plenty goofy
Hey, what's up. I'm the guy that searches all the Disqus forums every day for Rusty Wallace jokes. Just wanted to say thanks for talking about Rusty Wallace. Peace!
It'd have more artistic value, it sounds warhol-esque
Harrison Ford: The modern master of phoning it in
What's the song from the end of the trailer? It's really catchy.
You are the only one.
Tonight's carnita tacos and calabacitas night
Is anyone else disappointed this wasn't a movie about The Invasion Of Thousands Of Tom Cruises
Yeah, I'm betting you don't actually say that
Oh, god. Oh sweet jesus. I'm having a nightmare trip where I'm afraid I phrased my comment so that others think I agree with people like @avclub-a071490b596e0cc770ff10b7eb5b2e85:disqus . Oh jesus no. Oh mama no
@avclub-c239ddf0bc583f755f9e086d533f6f4e:disqus did you mean to respond to catsnbanjos
I'm with you on the southern pride and white pride thing, but with, for example, black pride, it actually is something of an accomplishment to survive being black in America.
As the last person on earth who exchanges VHS recordings through the mail instead of pirating content from the internet, this is an exciting development.