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    don't hate on the oddly effeminate admiral, ack ack. by the 23rd century antiquated concepts like "gender" are considered as gauche as blackface is today

    Sneaking him into the Star Trek reboot ruined that for me

    Sneaking him into the Star Trek reboot ruined that for me

    well, there goes my friday plans

    well, there goes my friday plans

    I really like these lists, but I kinda wish you guys could also put out a list of where all these movies can be streamed online. I can manually plug in each of these one at a time at netflix, hulu and amazon prime*, but it seems like it would make sense to put that in with the list itself.

    I really like these lists, but I kinda wish you guys could also put out a list of where all these movies can be streamed online. I can manually plug in each of these one at a time at netflix, hulu and amazon prime*, but it seems like it would make sense to put that in with the list itself.

    I am saying all men should be killed. kill all men

    I am saying all men should be killed. kill all men

    As a transwoman I am going to go ahead and double down on my bet that this movie will make me puke with rage

    As a transwoman I am going to go ahead and double down on my bet that this movie will make me puke with rage

    it's racist even if it's a reference to something

    it's racist even if it's a reference to something

    some ladies love the skinny little weinery lookin guys

    some ladies love the skinny little weinery lookin guys

    is it too early to pick for the next time, because I dearly want to force everyone to read Alan Moore's Swamp Thing

    is it too early to pick for the next time, because I dearly want to force everyone to read Alan Moore's Swamp Thing

    The homoerotic action movie subgenre lost one of its finest patrons today. The chiseled abs of tomorrow will look just a little less cut without him in the world.

    The homoerotic action movie subgenre lost one of its finest patrons today. The chiseled abs of tomorrow will look just a little less cut without him in the world.

    that's a name that should come with super powers.