Lord Lucan

It was a horrendous war crime. I watched a clip of an interview of Truman a few years after he left office. He was out fishing somewhere, wearing a baseball cap. He was asked if he ever second guessed his decision and he was like "Nah mang, whatevs. Fuck it."

A Simpsons reference. It's a Khrushchev quote, you dope. Simpsons reference…

Eh, but it didn't do justice to the book at all. The more harrowing parts of that were omitted (the man on a mattress with legs missing and his wounds cauterized) and they didn't get the most powerful details right - like when he initially finds them and they instinctively hide their eyes because they assume it's one

And, in actual fact, it took her a long time for her to die after the Zodiac left. The guy talked about how a boat came by the shore and he did his best to gesture for help but it sailed away. She bled out before he was rescued.

It probably wasn't based on your description of the show which I've never seen!

Large Marge sent me, also.

Pee Wee did a couple of Halloween-themed appearances on Letterman in the early '80s that were pretty funny.

I am those guys.

Definitely agree. Who else could take a barren landscape (often a a plain or desert) and describe it so vividly in so few words? So many respected writers have a latinate style which either works or doesn't but very few can achieve what he does. It's actually a bit like the sublimity of looking at a vast, open

Yes, it's brutal but it's also profound and beautiful and the brutality has real purpose. There's nothing remotely cheap about the horror. I'm prepared to say it's the best novel I've ever read and I don't really expect to ever read a better one. It had a profound effect on me and I think even the most squeamish

I considered writing scathingly: "Has she done anal in any of her scenes yet?" but then I thought no, no, I mustn't.

You're right, but this is shitty even by their past standards. (And yes, Damaged had a unusually good one for them).

Only of the friendliest kind.

Well then I've learned a lot today about the dangers of stereotypes, Katja. Thank you.

The trouble is that without watching it, you can't know whether it crosses a line between what upsets you tolerably and what you truly regret having ever seen. Could be a great movie but it's a real roll of the dice on that point.

This is what I should have said!

There really needs to be a an article for Suicide's "Frankie Teardrop" in this series.

Confirmation of which you couldn't possibly provide, of course! Please. You Vikings and your flagrant disregard for churches, human life and copyright law!

That's interesting. I'm certain I can't tell the difference between 320k and lossless files but I have a kind of neurotic worry that somehow I won't derive as much enjoyment from a lower quality file or stream despite not being conscious of any difference. I like to buy vinyl but I definitely don't do it because I

While it's true that inordinate wallowing in shit isn't healthy, I imagine death metal, if it actually ever made the crucial difference to anyone (which it undoubtedly hasn't), would have saved lives. Misery loves company. No-one asks what death toll the music of the Katy Perrys of the world has racked up, nor