
Neil Diamond's mother
Quite scary.

Good point - but I still think Ted would have remembered if he hadn't lived in that apartment when the goat story happened, but you're right he never said he was living there for sure. I guess I just give more credit to his memory than perhaps I should.
Regardless, I'm already looking forward to the late-April episode

Wasn't the evil goat music awesome?
I'm freaking out about Robin living with Ted on his 31st birthday. (In what capacity? And Lily and Marshall still have to be there because otherwise why would the goat be there, unless Lily dropped her off but wouldn't Ted remember that?)
I think the door is not closed on future

So long, Irish lass
The nice thing about having the bottom two not be the worst two was that we got to see some pretty good performances again (and didn't have to suffer through Jason and Brooke once more). Small consolation, but I'll take what I can get.

Robin + Barney
i've been waiting for this since "zip, zip, zip" in the first season. plus, any well-placed alan thicke cameo is a big plus in my book - what a legendary episode.

I need a Dolly Parton shirt as well. As long as I don't have to go to Dollyworld to get it. And good question - who does lil David live with?

Pickle juice and vodka
Once a roommate of mine surprised me with a green shot, which I stupidly took, and I still haven't quite forgiven him.

Horrible wardrobe choice. I shudder to remember it.

Maybe it's because she's a kindergarten teacher?

Glad to know I'm not the only one who falls asleep while eating ribs
The Doogie throw back made me almost drop my computer and squeal with glee. I've been re-watching season 1 (introducing some neighbors to the joys of this show) and although that might be why, I was okay with the lack of Ted. I agree with

Coincidence? I think NOT
Weird - as I was reading this the commercial came on. The giggle is kind of cute, though.

I thought the same thing - glad I'm not the only one who gets her '80s bands straight…
My respect level for Randy is dangerously close to the negative numbers at this point.

As soon as Danny walked out on stage, my friends and I decided he would do a great job in a stage version of "Rocky Horror".

Penny Marshall

Been wondering about it myself. Glad I wasn't the only one searching for a footnote.