Captain Hygiene

I haven't seen him in a huge number of roles, but he seems like one of those actors who's exactly as good as the quality of the film he's in at the time.

Not everyone keeps their genitals in the same place.

Proud to be one of the many that were anticipating this solely based on his involvement.

I expected that commercial to go in a slightly different direction when the one Happy first ripped the dancing figure off of the music box.

You lie on your deathbed, breathing your last, and Happy is there beside you. Your soul departs from your body and moves on, and Happy is there beside you. Your true eyes open to take in the undying realm where you will exist forever, and Happy is there beside you.

That was my favorite ad campaign, I think, although I believe the creepy portrayal was intentional from the beginning. Something about it just hit the exact perfect balance of creepy and funny, whereas something like this just feels creepy because it's terribly designed.

Not unlike finding a human tongue or teeth inside a real Happy Meal box.

It wouldn't be nearly as bad (though nowhere near good) if it just had completely open eyes. For whatever reason, the whole bottom-eyelids look always screams "psychotic murderer" to me.

For what it's worth, my comment was also just a dumb joke about humans and mass media in general, nothing intended to insult you.

Really, you could just make it like one of those kids books with a line of buttons that you can press to play poorly-digitized voice samples. I'm sure you could piece together nine clips that would work on multiple pages (the tenth button is a fart noise).

My knowledge of Adventure Time is almost solely from Netflix, so I've only recently graduated beyond season one slang.

I guess I partly agree. The dialogue is crucial to all of those shows, I don't want to minimize that. It just needs to be filtered through the voice actors for me - when I think of my favorite well-written lines from any of the shows, a huge part of my enjoyment comes from their delivery, not just seeing the lines

To be fair, I do spend a lot of time standing around with my mouth hanging open, so I'm okay with that aspect of it.

I love the show, but I've never really understood the interest in comic book versions of any animated series (Simpsons, Futurama, etc.). So much of the appeal of those shows is in the voice work, and while the comic stories may be funny or well-written, they just lack that most vital piece.

This. I never thought I'd really get into it, but it eventually clicked with me and it's now one of my all-time favorite animated shows.

I've always preferred to use pneumonic devices, personally. No longer having to devote precious brainpower to the act of breathing, I find it much easier to retain all sorts of useful information in my mind.

Those are awesome. I love the podcast in general, but the animated shows they pick just seem to have the perfect level of WTF-ness that inspires great discussion.

Thanks, I'll give those a try.

I don't know where you're from, but around these parts, we make snap judgments based solely on transcribed soundbites.

Proudly Resents fans, how does their back catalogue stack up against their Revenge of the Sith episode? That's my only experience with them - I found out about them through their podcrawl with The Flophouse (my long-time favorite) and Read it and Weep (who I discovered then, and am now a regular listener), but the PR