The Moose with Loose Poops

Well yeah, he's skilled in all forms of pleasure.

Well yeah, he's skilled in all forms of pleasure.

Oh boy, I hope both the good guy and the bad guy are human because every other warcraft race would look goddamn ridiculous taken out of their relatively low-rez cartoon format, with even the very best CGI.  It's gonna end up like the D&D movies, where humans fight humans (plus human-y elves) and occasionally a monster

Oh boy, I hope both the good guy and the bad guy are human because every other warcraft race would look goddamn ridiculous taken out of their relatively low-rez cartoon format, with even the very best CGI.  It's gonna end up like the D&D movies, where humans fight humans (plus human-y elves) and occasionally a monster

Honestly they know a little too much about what WOW was like 4 years ago.  So just like most players.  Mounts are damn near free now and the Mankrik questline went through some changes.  The Anal thing still happens.

Honestly they know a little too much about what WOW was like 4 years ago.  So just like most players.  Mounts are damn near free now and the Mankrik questline went through some changes.  The Anal thing still happens.

Ah yes, a mu-taint.  Not unlike your earth taints, larger of course.

Ah yes, a mu-taint.  Not unlike your earth taints, larger of course.

Food!  Eating!  The Theatre!

Food!  Eating!  The Theatre!

I used to dread Todd Barrys back when I was playing Final Fantasy games.  All walking slow and then super stabbing you.  What was that lantern even for?  That shit was creepy.

I used to dread Todd Barrys back when I was playing Final Fantasy games.  All walking slow and then super stabbing you.  What was that lantern even for?  That shit was creepy.

Oh that's right!  He's their drummer and all.  Totally forgot.  Good to know he's still around, his beat is pretty crucial to "Jacket."

Oh that's right!  He's their drummer and all.  Totally forgot.  Good to know he's still around, his beat is pretty crucial to "Jacket."

His machinegun was torn off by 21 and then he was forced at gunpoint to disable the lockdown on the Venture compound.  That was the last time we saw him, but he didn't die.  Probably still around, being a Walking Eye.

His machinegun was torn off by 21 and then he was forced at gunpoint to disable the lockdown on the Venture compound.  That was the last time we saw him, but he didn't die.  Probably still around, being a Walking Eye.

Yep, that's what I was saying.  Honestly at sufficient altitude and humidity, a contrail makes perfect sense to be coming off of Superman.   But as long as they're being realistic about it, they should have him get really moist during his flights.

Yep, that's what I was saying.  Honestly at sufficient altitude and humidity, a contrail makes perfect sense to be coming off of Superman.   But as long as they're being realistic about it, they should have him get really moist during his flights.

Contrails aren't exclusively caused by jets.  They can also be caused by little vortices and changes in air pressure from wing surfaces.  Maybe his contrail is caused by the crazy flapping a cape would produce at super high speeds.

Contrails aren't exclusively caused by jets.  They can also be caused by little vortices and changes in air pressure from wing surfaces.  Maybe his contrail is caused by the crazy flapping a cape would produce at super high speeds.