Jessica Rabbit

I wish I could pick something marginally cooler, but Rufus Wainwright's version of "Hallelujah" just destroys me every time. I will never get over that song, but then again I have a penchant for the slightly overdramatic.

The forwards I got suggested also canceling subscriptions to AOL, and other Time Warner-owned companies. Obviously Mormons don't make up a huge percentage of the HBO audience, so they were looking for other ways to make their presence felt.

I hate to bring up the fact that I'm Mormon on this website because of all the ill feeling towards Mormons this year, but hey. I am. Disclaimer: I voted no on Prop. 8 and I've watched "Big Love" on and off since it began. I find it to be a good-quality show with some real strength in the acting and writing

What a coincidence, kerouac! We were just looking for someone to hold the camera.

I like to read those writeups, they're usually pretty interesting. For instance, did you know that the reason Jorge's performance was shot mostly from the wait up because of his hips were apparently completely out of control? I think the phrase that was used was "wildly gyrating".

I remember a few seasons back when Tyra gave them the advice about "pain modeling"—that's my favorite so far. "Then bend over and pretend ohhhhhhhh, I have a pain in my ankle. Ohhhhh, I have a pain in my head."

So, Jasmine
How does it feel to know that America never, at any point, wanted you at all?

Was it just me, or were the judges completely GONE when Kanye got there? Maybe that wasn't the judges' table I was seeing, but it looked like it, and it was a strange image. Where the heck did they go?

Yeah, the denim-on-denim was very Justin Timberlake 90s MTV awards. But I did like him touching some fans' hands and totally blowing off the people right next to them. It was great.

They are not my favorite band, but they happened to pop up on shuffle about three seconds before I read this article. The insanity.

What rhymes with "Lambert"?

Backup support from the only other member of the AV Club Adam Lambert Fan Club!

Guitar + cute boy = screaming girls. Truefax.

It's possible that Allison is becoming my favorite contestant. Not probable, but increasingly possible. I feel like she's everything that I wanted Amanda Overmeyer to be last year. The girl's a rock star…an American-Idol-universe pre-packaged pink-haired version of a rock star.

The stylists really dropped the ball this season, didn't they? Not only did they fail to fix Scott's creepy hair, they didn't touch Anoop's eyebrows and they completely destroyed Allison's hair.

Someone needs to get that girl a manager and a recording studio, absolutely as soon as possible. She's clearly got a good, interesting voice, but she just as clearly has not a blessed clue what to do with it. Someone needs to write her a song, sit her down in front of a microphone, and say "Sing!".

Passive-Aggressive Booing?
Okay, so maybe it's more normal-aggressive than passive, but has anyone else been getting a weird, uncomfortable vibe from Randy's booing of Simon every week? I think it started as a joke but it's gotten progressively more bitter and jealous every episode. It's gotten to the point where I

She replied to me once on the "America's Next Top Model" TV Club writeup. But I don't think that counts.

Reason for texting: those like me who are far more comfortable using writing than verbal communication will sound much wittier and far more spontaneously clever.