Last Exit to Nowhere

This is an incorrect opinion.



He was amazing as Crocell in "The Curse of Frank Black", my favourite episode of Millennium. Allow me to post this monologue in full:

All My Favourite Musicians Are Pricks, pt 632: Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band edition.

For Those About To Rock (Sorry, Our Drummer's In Jail and My Brother Has Dementia, But We'd Still Like To Salute You If That's Cool)

The cops shook him down all night long.

Shout-out for his playing on Pink Floyd's The Final Cut - the sax solos on "The Gunners Dream" and "Two Suns in the Sunset" are magnificent.

I'm friends with Prindle on Facebook, and can confirm he's happily married with a young son, and generally doing much better nowadays. www.facebook.com/markprindle

My favourites of 2014 so far, in sort of a particular order…

"Your son is mentally retarded."
"But doctor, what does that mean?"
"It means… he'll never not be retarded."

David Bradley will always be Stemroach to me.

"Hey ah na na, I repent tomorrow…"

Chris De Burgh went to college with Nick Drake in the 60s, which is both the least interesting thing about Drake, and the most interesting thing about De Burgh.

"So my buddy Maloosh is producing some porn. You girls should get involved, they say it makes you feel pretty good about yourself.""

I always thought Mona Simpson would've made a good plot line for a Simpsons movie. Too late now, I suppose.

These guys make Belle & Sebastian sound tough and sweaty.

He's incredible! I'm not a girl at all! Mind you, we're all pretty potty in this house. Last night, right, we were all watching the television and it was a program we wanted to watch, you know, and, uh, we were just watching it and right in the middle of it, I got up and turned it off! Mad! I don't care what I do, you

Clutch - Earth Rocker
Boards of Canada - Tomorrow's Harvest
The Drones - I See Seaweed
Steven Wilson - The Raven That Refused To Sing (And Other Stories)
Black Sabbath - 13
Richard Thompson - Electric
Vista Chino - Peace
QOTSA - …Like Clockwork
The Bronx - IV
Kurt Vile - Wakin on a Pretty Daze
Gay Paris - The Last Good Party