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    That was my beef with Live. By including two bloated songs, it could only contain nine tracks. I'd so much rather hear more songs, or have a better compilation of BTS's live cover songs.

    @avclub-b63f73301fe289a7c258eb2e3f4986ce:disqus, you sound like a goddam phoney.

    With all the guns in the news today, this is a welcome feel-good "treat." Heh. See what I did there? I referred to Jesse's biceps as "guns."

    I am going to assume that everyone else's comments will be about the boobs at the end, so I'll take this opportunity to say that I love this movie. I will never change the channel if it pops up on TV. I love how the nerdy love interest's wardrobe looked out of place in the 80s, but thirty years later he's dressed like

    Spoken like a person who hasn't heard METZ's debut album.

    "Don't forget about us!"
    - Sonic Youth

    Shh, my friend Rabbi Bull is playing the solo.

    Incorrect. They released one new song called "Bam Thwok."

    Others not knowing Sebadoh song titles gives you a license to confuse.

    Correct. Let the people listen to Fine Young Cannibals if they want to.

    *cough* I have to pee at the next exit.

    But Pierce is no longer part of the staff, so it doesn't count, right? Also, he didn't say much about Fuzz: The Musical other than it's a triumph and then he later quoted some lyrics.

    Mr. Show, Season 3, Episode "Peanut Butter, Eggs, and Dice" - Fuzz: The Musical (featuring Emmy-nominated "Y'all Are Brutalizing Me").

    "Christina Hendricks stood behind him, playing the world’s largest violin with Jon Hamm’s enormous penis."

    Yes! Excellent memory. I took a picture of the pages. You can see them here: http://i.imgur.com/Eg1d6wV.jpg - The kicker for me is all the framed photos of Bob in Chris's bedroom.

    Did I write this article? Daddy's Boy by Chris Elliott is one of the silliest books I've ever read, and I mean that in the best way possible. My dad got it for me as his one personal-choice Christmas presents around 1990, and it's one of my favorite presents of all time. I often wondered if other readers saw what I

    I get it. "Acre" because he's a big guy.

    METZ METZ METZ! I am super excited for their show in Atlanta soon.

    In other words: NO COMEDY PLEASE!
