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    Try covering the left half of her face.

    In all seriousness, I find it strange that Hollywood actors and actresses would want to be in this movie. Surely they know someone who was burgled by the Bling Ring, and considered the act despicable. But when given a chance to play the role, they think it's an amazing story!

    Poll Time!
    Is Sofia Coppola smiling or frowning in that picture?

    Knife-wielding toaster. Still no ears.

    This is going to be a slow news day, and it's not even noon yet.

    Don't you take the lord's name in vain!

    It needs to be reimagineered.

    I completely agree with Gary X. This album has skyrocketed to my favorite album of the year so far.

    **SPOILER** The office doesn't bet on whether the kids live or die, but who the "big bad" will be.

    Would you change your mind if I told you the gavels were made from pine and not oak?

    As a guy with a brain, I fire synapses all the time.

    Batsuits and catsuits should not be photographed with such bright lighting.



    I got this album last week and have been listening to it nonstop. I've always enjoyed Krug's music in the past, but this is the first release that I feel like he's struck gold (in other words, no skippable tracks). I hope he records more music with Sinaii.

    That is really the plot?! What an asinine series of events. Does the movie explain why the killer is targeting those three people? Or does the killer just hate ATMs (as evidenced in the closing credits)?

    I'm never going to see this movie, so can someone at the AV Club set up a spoiler version of this review? I'm curious to know just how labored the climax/twist is.

    Quiet you!

    Believe it. She repeatedly puts her entire mouth over the ball of the house microphone. It's extremely unsanitary, yet extremely rock n' roll.

    I'm not feeling this one either. As the review pointed out, the songs are dense, yet boring. It reminds me of latter day Blonde Redhead, giving up on the art-rock angle, and being content with making uneventful polished songs.