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    Well said, Randys Donuts. I'd rather see a by-the-numbers retelling of an event than something that exploits an event arbitrarily, like Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.

    I, too, liked Great World of Sound and am looking forward to Compliance.

    Character answers simple question about flashlight with five minute monologue about faith and humanity.


    For example: This infection requires penicillin.

    A bunch of people kidnap Jake Fogelnest and take him to the woods to shoot him? Some band's been reading my fan-fiction!

    Whoa! You're comparing Atari Teenage Riot to Black Flag and The Misfits? I don't even like any of those bands and them's fightin' words.

    [Christmastime Is Here instrumental]

    Little Known Fact: Emma's freckles are a Magic Eye image of her and Sean making love.


    Do apartment buildings for women exist in 2012?

    Hey! June salutes you!

    Make a reality show about that murder and the AV Club will give it a C-.


    No love for Vince Guaraldi Trio? The soundtrack to this special is as important as the story and characters. It's easily my favorite Christmas album.

    I totally agree, Cody II. I remember watching them play a practical joke on a Hollywood jeweler. I thought the same thing then as I do now, "How can a jeweler be famous enough to warrant a practical joke on national television? Please play another practical joke on Kirk Cameron."

    Hey now!

    The Beach Boys Celebration Tour brought to you by Polident! We help your SMILE.