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    If that's the case, then why not make up a network acronym?

    Larry's Ambiguous Network

    What do we do now, Noel?

    Brian Robbins… the bad-boy smart-guy from Head of the Class? Huh.

    The screenshot for this week's performance doesn't show Ben with his hand on his face. Please correct this at your leisure.

    The Nerd from Survivor

    I'm going to say **SPOILERS** in advance. ApathyMonger, what exactly did you prefer about S3 that wasn't in S2? Please don't say Piz.

    My Top Five

    They also made Army of Darkness.

    Yeah, this movie would have been better had it been pitched to Ratner as a "black Big Butt Book."

    Unrelated to Habibi

    [rolls up production schedule and waves it at the audience]

    Bone marrow.

    Joke received. You're saying Sarah Jessica Parker should be in it.

    It's true: Indies rarely tour in Iraq.

    "I want to know what lust is…. [bing bong bing bing] I want Mahakaal to show meeee!"

    I was definitely getting a Luis Guzman vibe from Johney Lever.

    I've never been to the museum, but I have been to Jupiter, Florida, which is one of the uncoolest yet hottest fucking places on the planet.


    But like MLK, Ozzy had a dream!