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    Great. Here's a copy of Make Believe, Red Album, Raditude, and Hurley. Good luck with those.

    HarveKarbo. You know, for kids!

    Are you for or against Dawes?

    I disagree. The episode with the forward-only time machine was brilliant. The Mobius Dick episode was brilliant. The finale with different animation styles was brilliant. Others (like Leela and Zap stranded on a planet like Adam & Eve) were brilliant.

    Fresh Jive, Starz never said how many episodes they would give the second season. If the show is a stinker, then Boss gets a one episode order.

    "…a unique plot device that no Simpsons episode has ever employed in the past, in which Homer tries to befriend someone who does not wish to be his friend."

    Taylor Lautner: Mouth Breather

    If you ditch the "successful" qualifier, there's Mena Suvari.

    Are you tired of the two aural format grind? Try Vaunnie's new Saudiound!

    Good point. My first introduction to Rob was Thingy's first LP released by Absolutely Kosher way back in 1999.

    Bummer. I've always trusted AK's output. My favorite release of theirs would have to be Frog Eyes' Tears of the Valedictorian. Such an underrated band and album.

    Can it, Preppy!

    She would have made a great subject for Random Roles.

    Did somebody say they wanted to hear quotes from Arrested Development and The Wire?

    The Emmy's Drinking Game

    Simple Math

    That episode has my favorite exchange of the series.

    "The Wire" - Mike Oxmall

    Those kids are in the Daaanger Zone!

    The drop in stock prices and number of subscribers is expected. That's how Netflix plans to pay less for content when re-negotiating contracts with the studio. I imagine this pricing ebb and flow will happen every five years or so.