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    Inventory: Underrated Scores That Deserve To Be In The Canon
    Miller's Crossing by Carter Burwell: http://tinyurl.com/ng8z9g

    For what it's worth, The Room is playing in Atlanta at The Plaza Theater on June 30th, 9:30 PM. It screens there the last Tuesday of every month.

    You're always playing psychologist!

    It's back to broadcast journalism school for you.

    Amends? No thank you.
    I think you were too lenient on Amends. You explained your connection well, but I find the episode to Joss's biggest dud of the series. Plus, Buffy's hairstyle was awfully jarring in that episode.

    "Funny photo from the film itself"
    I expected a button-box-cash-death movie to have more realistic lighting. That photo made me laugh my way to great abs.


    A Network Proposal For The Proposal
    I've always wanted a network to pull an April Fools Joke in which they air a rom-com movie and at the half way point they air the ending of a second rom-com movie. In this case, the network would start with Sandra Bullock in Two Weeks Notice and you end with Sandra Bullock in The

    America the Beautiful
    The American contestants are an inspiration because our judges set the bar very low. When you're an alcoholic eating hamburgers on the bathroom floor, or your dysfunctional family gets the 10th rehab free, of course everyone else is an inspiration.

    See also: Jim Cramer

    William Joel never got in car accidents. Billy did.

    I don't understand why all of her dialogue was dubbed.

    According to IMDB, The Wizard grossed $14 million domestically. I'm sure the film made a profit, but I'd consider that take at the box office gross a flop.

    The Wizard
    Nathan, have you considered reviewing The Wizard for MYOF? It would make a great Nintendo double feature.



    Hate Assist
    The blank alt-text was a missed opportunity. I would have gone with: "When you wish upon a fading star…"

    Pharaoh Epicenter

    Keith Phipps: Kept Hip Ship
    Scott Tobias: Static Boost

    Good Ol' Conan. He's Always Conan.
    I've seen all of the episodes this week and I love that he hasn't changed much of anything. He's still the same ol' Conesy. However, I do see a couple areas with room for improvement: