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    A racist white cop fingers the stomach vagina of a black TV producer's wife.

    Inevitable AV Club Grade: C+

    Idol Gives Back
    Has anyone noticed that there's no Idol Gives Back this season? Was the show able to end poverty after the last one?

    For me…
    I can't stand listening to Randy Jackson speak. He says nothing. Each sentence starts "For me…" and is either followed by a clenched-teeth noise or "that was the bomb!" Do not take a drink ever time he says "For me…" because you will die of alcohol poisoning.

    Quentin looks more and more like Bob Hope every day. Wearing Eddie Munster shoes, of course.


    Alt-Text & You
    Amelie, your commitment to Alt-Text humor is unparalleled. I know I'm not alone when I say thank you for the extra effort.

    I think American Idol suffered because the Top Downloads theme was too broad. The contestants impress us more when parameters are in place and they are outside of their comfort zone.

    Yeah, that's Hang Time. Whenever I see Anthony Anderson in a movie like The Departed I can't help but yell, "Teddy Bear!"

    TNBC Checklist
    California Dreams is great and all, but when will I be able to watch Hang Time any time I want?

    Mark Burnett
    I consider Survivor to be a solidly entertaining show, but I am wary of Mark Burnett's track record. The Casino and The Restaurant were some of the phoniest reality shows I've ever seen.

    I thought Adam looked like a young Kurt Russell.

    Also needing to be fixed (in caps):

    I'm in your camp. I enjoy the bands of Mercer and Krug, but could never get into Bejar. Enemy Mine is leagues above Beast Moans, but I still find Bejar's tracks on the new album to be dead weight.

    Speaking of game shows…
    I am not a fan of Jeopardy's new set. I thought I was watching a rerun from the 90's, but no.

    Just reading Teen Girl Squad got the keyboard ditty stuck in my head.

    Not Jamie Pressly
    Kristen McNamara looks like Suzanne Somers.

    A few rounds of Jell-o wrestling ought to settle this.

    Nice one, Yummsh. I predict a Three's Company level of double entendre with this product.